Ague Mixture without Quinine

July 27th, 2008

Mrs Wadsworth, a few miles south of this city, has been using the following Ague mixture over twenty years, curing, she says, more than forty cases without a failure. She takes:–

Mandrake root, fresh dug, and pounds it; then squeezes out the juice, to obtain 1 1/2 tablespoons, with which she mixes the same quantity of molasses, is dividing into 3 equal doses of 1 tablespoon each, to be given 2 hours apart, commencing so as to take all an hour before the chill.

It sickens and vomits some, but she says, it will scarcely ever need repeating. Then steep dog-wood bark (some call it box-wood), make it strong, and continue to drink it freely for a week or two, at least.

Source: Dr Chase’s Recipes, or Information for Everybody, A.W. Chase

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