Dried Flour for Teething Children
1 cup of flour, tied in a stout muslin bag and dropped into cold water, then set over the fire.
Boil three hours steadily. Turn out the flour ball and dry in the hot sun all day; or, if you need it at once, dry in a moderate oven without shutting the door.
To use it—
Grate a tablespoonful for a cupful of boiling milk and water (half and half). Wet up the flour with a very little cold water, stir in and boil five minutes. Put in a little salt.
Source: Common Sense in the Household, Marion Harland
Filed under Remedy | Tags: child, children, commonsense, flour, milk, muslin, salt, teeth, tooth | Comment (0)For Convulsions
A poultice made of tobacco and warm water, put between two cloths and placed over the breast and pit of the stomach will relieve convulsions when nothing else will. It will do no harm.
Source: The Just-Wed Cook Book
Slippery-Elm Bark Tea
Break the bark into bits, pour boiling water over it, cover and let it infuse until cold. Sweeten, ice, and take for summer disorders, or add lemon-juice and drink for a bad cold.
Source: Common Sense in the Household, Marion Harland
For the Sting of a Bee or Wasp
Rub the part with hot tallow, or with hartshorn, or wet clay.
Source: The Philadelphia Housewife, Mary Hodgson
For a Nose Bleed
Dr. H—— recommends for the treatment of bleeding at the nose, the plunging of the face and hands of the patient in water, as hot as can be borne. He says that the most rebellious cases have never resisted this mode of treatment.
Source: Flint Hills Cook Book
To Relieve Burns
To relieve burns get a small bottle of picric acid and with a feather paint the burned or scalded parts, allowing it to dry. In a few minutes all the pain will be gone and you will never feel it again. Where the burns are very severe more than one application is sometimes necessary. This is an invaluable remedy, especially where there are children in the home, for they are getting burned continually.
Source: The Just-Wed Cook Book
Iceland or Irish Moss Lemonade
1 handful Irish or Iceland moss, washed in five waters.
2 quarts boiling water, poured upon the moss, and left until cold.
2 lemons, peeled and sliced, leaving out the peel.
Sweeten very well and ice.
Do not strain, and if it thicken too much, add cold water.
Excellent for feverish colds and all pulmonary troubles.
Source: Common Sense in the Household, Marion Harland
Filed under Remedy | Tags: cold, commonsense, fever, iceland moss, irish moss, lemon, moss, pulmonary | Comment (0)Sulphur Tea for the Hair
There is nothing better than sulphur tea for the hair. It cures dandruff, promotes the growth, makes the hair soft and glossy and is very good to keep the hair from turning gray.
Source: The Just-Wed Cook Book
Sangaree or Porteree
One-third wine or porter mixed with two-thirds cold water. Sweeten, grate nutmeg on the top, and ice.
Serve dry toast with it. Taken hot, it is good for a sudden cold.
Source: Common Sense in the Household, Marion Harland
Filed under Remedy | Tags: cold, commonsense, nutmeg, porter, porteree, sangaree, toast, wine | Comment (0)