To make the true Palsie-water, as it was given by that once very famous Physician Doctor Matthias
Take Lavender Flowers stripped from the stalks, and fill a Gallon-Glass with them, and pour on them good Spirit of Sack, or perfect Aqua vitæ distilled from all Flegm, let the quantity be five quarts, then circulate them for six weeks, very close with a Bladder, that nothing may breath out; let them stand in a warm place, then distil them in an Alembeck with his Cooler, then put into the said water, of Sage, Rosemary, and Wood-Betony Flowers; of each half a handful, of Lilly of the Valley, and Burrage, Bugloss, and Cowslip Flowers, one handful of each; steep these in Spirit of Wine, Malmsie, or Aqua vitæ, every one in their Season, till all may be had; then put also to them of Balm, Motherwort, Spike-flowers, Bay leaves, the leaves of Orange trees, with the Flowers, if they may be had, of each one ounce, put them into the aforesaid distilled Wine all together, and distil it as before, having first been steeped six weeks; when you have distilled it, put into it Citron Pill, dried Piony seeds hull’d, of each five Drams, of Cinamon half an Ounce, of Nutmegs, Cardamum seeds, Cubebs[1], and yellow Saunders[2], of each half an ounce, of lignum Aloes one dram; make all these into Powder, and put them into the distilled Wine abovesaid, and put to them of Cubebs anew, a good half pound of Dates, the stones taken out, and cut them in small pieces, put all these in, and close your Vessel well with a double Bladder; let them digest six weeks, then strain it hard with a Press, and filtrate the Liquor, then put into it of prepared Pearl, Smaragdus[3], Musk and Saffron, of each half a Scruple; and of Ambergreece one Scruple, red Roses dried well, Red and Yellow Saunders, of each one ounce, hang these in a Sarsenet[4] Bag in the water, being well sewed that nothing go out.
The virtues of this Water
This Water is of exceeding virtue in all Swoundings and Weaknesses of the heart, and decaying of Spirits in all Apoplexies and Palsies, also in all pains of the Joints coming of Cold, for all Bruises outwardly bathed and dipped Clothes laid to; it strengtheneth and comforteth all animal, natural and viral Spirits, and cheareth the external Senses, strengtheneth the Memory, restoreth lost Speech, and lost Appetite, all weakness of the Stomach, being both taken inwardly, and bathed outwardly; it taketh away the Giddiness of the Head, helpeth lost Hearing, it maketh a pleasant Breath, helpeth all cold disposition of the Liver, and a beginning Dropsie; it helpeth all cold Diseases of the Mother; indeed none can express sufficiently; it is to be taken morning and evening, about half a Spoonful with Crums of Bread and Sugar.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
1. A type of pepper.
2. Sandalwood.
3. Emerald.
4. A type of fine silk.
Filed under Remedy | Tags: aloes, ambergreece, ambergris, apoplexy, appetite, aqua vitae, balm, bay, betony, borage, bread, breath, bruise, bugloss, burrage, cardamom, cardamum, cinamon, cinnamon, citron, cowslip, cubeb, dates, dropsy, emerald, giddiness, head, hearing, heart, joints, lavender, lemon, lily of the valley, liver, malmsey, malmsie, memory, motherwort, musk, nutmeg, orange, palsie, palsy, pearl, peony, piony, rose, rosemary, sack, saffron, sage, sandalwood, saunders, smaragdus, speech, spirits, stomach, wolley, wood-betony | Comment (0)An Ointment for Burns
A fine ointment for burns is made by frying white clover blossoms in lard. Make it rich with the clover blossoms; then strain it and put it away in covered glasses. If a bad blister forms almost immediately, beat an egg into a teaspoonful of olive oil, spread it on a bit of linen, and cover the blister with it.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts
A Cure for Rheumatism
One quart of milk, quite hot, into which stir one ounce of alum; this will make curds and whey. Bathe the parts affected with the whey until too cold. In the meantime keep the curds hot, and, after bathing, put them on a poultice, wrap in flannel, and go to sleep (you can). Three applications should be a perfect cure, even in aggravated cases.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts
Cough Syrup
Take horehound herb, elecampane root, spikenard root, ginseng root, black cohosh, and skunk cabbage root, of each a good-sized handful. Bruise and cover with spirits or whisky, and let stand ten days; then put all in a suitable vessel, add about four quarts of water and simmer slowly over a fire (but don’t boil) for twelve hours, or till reduced to about three pints, then strain and add one pint of strained honey, half a pint each of number six, tincture lobelia, and tincture bloodroot (the vinegar or acetic tincture of bloodroot is the best) and four ounces of strong essence of anise, and you will have one of the best cough syrups known. Dose: A tablespoonful three to six times a day, according to circumstances. Good in all kinds of coughs and incipient consumption.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Useful Information
Hot Lemonade for Diarrhea
Some people prefer hot lemonade to the usual form, but it is only recently that we have seen it recommended in diarrhea. Dr. Vigouroux recommends a glass of hot lemonade every hour, or half hour, as an easy, agreeable, and efficient treatment for diarrhea.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts
Cure for a Felon
Mix well one teaspoonful of burnt salt, one teaspoonful of Indian meal, and the yolk of one egg, ten drops of spirits of turpentine, a small quantity of home made lye soap, shaved fine. Apply as a poultice for twenty-four hours. If applied early, it will certainly effect a cure.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts
Warts – To Remove
Apply oil of cinnamon to the wart for three successive days, and it will disappear very shortly.
Source: Mrs Owens’ Cook Book and Useful Household Hints, Frances Owens
For a Cough
An excellent remedy for a cough is made by slicing two lemons thin and adding to them ten cents’ worth of whole flaxseed, ten cents’ worth of licorice root, ore gill of water, and a little sugar. Boil until quite thick and strain.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts
Rosemary for remembrance
The BBC report that the smell of rosemary has been shown to improve “future memory” — that is, remembering to do things in the future — and that the smell of lavender impairs this type of memory.
Other remedies reputed to improve memory:
French Lip Salve
Lard, twenty-six ounces; white wax, two ounces; nitre and alum in fine powder, of each one-half ounce; alkanet to color.
Source: The Ladies’ Book Of Useful Information