For Inflammation
Nine handfuls of mountain moss, dried on a pan to powder. Nine pinches of it, and nine pinches of the ashes from the hearth, to be mixed in whey, taken every Tuesday and Thursday.
Source: Ancient Cures, Charms, and Usages of Ireland, Lady Wilde
Hay Fever, To Cure
This unpleasant complaint may be cured by aconite and white wine whey taken at bed-time. Boil half a pint of milk, add a little aconite and a glass of sherry, strain through muslin, and sweeten the whey with white sugar.
To twelve parts of absolute phenol, eight parts of carbonate of ammonia, twenty-two parts of strong solution of ammonia, half a part of oil of lavender, and one and a half parts of camphor, add a little sifted pine sawdust. Inhale five or six times a day, or when the sneezing comes on.
Relief has often been found by wearing tinted side spectacles to soften the light and lessen the glare of the sun.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: absolute phenol, aconite, ammonia, camphor, carbonate of ammonia, hay fever, lavender, milk, million, oil of lavender, phenol, pine, pine sawdust, sherry, solution of ammonia, sugar, sun, sunglasses, whey, white sugar, white wine, white wine whey, wine | Comment (0)Cream Tartar Whey
Warm a pint of fresh milk, when scalding hot, stir in a teaspoonful of cream tartar, and if this does not turn it, add more, till it does. Strain it, and sweeten with loaf sugar. Those who cannot eat wine whey can eat this without trouble, and it is good in fevers.
Source: Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book, Catherine Beecher
A Remedy For A Common Cold
3 grains compound extract of colocynth, and 3 grains of soap, in 2 pills, taken at going to bed. The following night, take 16 or 18 grains of compound powder of contrayerva, and 1/2 a pint vinegar whey.– Breakfast in bed the next morning.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Mustard Whey, for Constipation, &c.
Take a cupful of milk, and the same quantity of water, and boil them together with half an ounce of mustard-seed till the curd separates, then strain. Dose : One dessert-spoonful an hour before breakfast.
A teacupful of the above mixture, taken several times a day, gives great relief in cases of dropsy, palsy, and chronic rheumatism.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: chronic rheumatism, curd, dropsy, milk, million, mustard, mustard seed, palsy, rheumatism, whey | Comment (0)Alum Whey
Mix half an ounce of pounded alum with one pint of milk. Strain it, and add sugar and nutmeg to the whey. It is good in cases of hemorrhages, and sometimes for colic.
Source: Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book, Catherine Beecher
Mustard Whey, for Dropsy and for Rheumatism
Boil 1 1/2 oz. bruised mustard seed, in a quart of milk and water, till the curd which forms is separated. Strain it and take a tea-cupful three times a day.
Another for Rheumatism: A handful of scraped horse-radish, and a table-spoonful of whole mustard seed, infused in a bottle of Madeira; the longer the better. A wine-glassful in bed at night, and another before the patient rises.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Filed under Remedy | Tags: cobbett, dropsy, horseradish, madeira, milk, mustard, mustard seed, rheumatism, whey | Comment (0)How to make White Wine Whey
Put a pint of milk into a very clean saucepan or skillet, to boil on the fire; then add half a gill of any kind of white wine; allow the milk to boil up, then pour it into a basin, and allow it to stand in a cool place, that the curd may fall to the bottom of the basin; then pour off the whey — which is excellent as an agent to remove a severe cough or cold.
Source: A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes, C.E. Francatelli
For Cold
There is no remedy so good as to go to bed and stay there, drinking nothing, not even water, for twenty-four hours, and eating as little as possible. Or, go to bed; put your feet in hot mustard and water; put a bran or oatmeal poultice on the chest ; take ten grains of Dover’s powder, and an hour afterwards a pint of hot gruel ; in the morning rub the body all over with a coarse towel, and take a dose of aperient medicine.
Violet, pennyroyal, or boneset tea are excellent to promote perspiration in case of sudden chill.
Or, take white wine whey. One pint of milk ; two wineglassfuls of white wine ; one teaspoonful of vinegar. Simmer gently; then strain, sweeten, and spice; give hot.
Source: The Unrivalled Cook-Book and Housekeeper’s Guide, Mrs Washington
Filed under Remedy | Tags: aperient, boneset, bran, chill, cold, dover's powder, gruel, mustard, oatmeal, pennyroyal, perspiration, poultice, spice, vinegar, violet, washington, whey, white wine, wine | Comment (0)A Cure for Rheumatism
One quart of milk, quite hot, into which stir one ounce of alum; this will make curds and whey. Bathe the parts affected with the whey until too cold. In the meantime keep the curds hot, and, after bathing, put them on a poultice, wrap in flannel, and go to sleep (you can). Three applications should be a perfect cure, even in aggravated cases.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts