Hair Wash
One penny’s worth of borax, half a pint of olive oil, one pint of boiling water.
Pour the boiling water over the borax and oil; let it cool; then put the mixture into a bottle. Shake it before using, and apply it with a flannel. Camphor and borax, dissolved in boiling water and left to cool, make a very good wash for the hair; as also does rosemary water mixed with a little borax. After using any of these washes, when the hair becomes thoroughly dry, a little pomatum or oil should be rubbed in to make it smooth and glossy–that is, if one prefers oil on the hair.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: borax, camphor, flannel, hair, olive oil, pomatum, rosemary, whitehouse | Comment (0)To Remove Freckles
The following lotion is highly recommended: One ounce of lemon juice, a quarter of a drachm of powdered borax, and half a drachm of sugar; mix in a bottle, and allow them to stand a few days, when the liquor should be rubbed occasionally on the hands and face. Another application is: Friar’s balsam one part, rose-water twenty parts.
Powdered nitre moistened with water and applied to the face night and morning, is said to remove freckles without injury to the skin.
Also, a tablespoonful of freshly grated horse-radish, stirred into a cupful of sour milk; let it stand for twelve hours, then strain and apply often. This bleaches the complexion also, and takes off tan.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: borax, complexion, face, freckles, friar's balsam, horse-radish, horseradish, lemon, lemon juice, milk, nitre, rosewater, skin, sour milk, sugar, tan, whitehouse | Comment (0)Macassar Oil for the Hair
Renowned for the past fifty years, is as follows: Take a quarter of an ounce of the chippings of alkanet root, tie this in a bit of coarse muslin and put it in a bottle containing eight ounces of sweet oil; cover it to keep out the dust; let it stand several days; add to this sixty drops of tincture of cantharides, ten drops of oil of rose, neroli and lemon each sixty drops; let it stand one week and you will have one of the most powerful stimulants for the growth of the hair ever known.
Another:–To a pint of strong sage tea, a pint of bay rum and a quarter of an ounce of the tincture of cantharides, add an ounce of castor oil and a teaspoonful of rose, or other perfume. Shake well before applying to the hair, as the oil will not mix.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: alkanet, alkanet root, bay rum, cantharides, castor oil, hair, lemon, macassar, muslin, neroli, oil, oil of rose, rose, rum, sage, scalp, sweet oil, whitehouse | Comment (0)To Prepare Fumigating Powder
Take equal parts of cascarilla bark, in coarse powder, camomile flowers, and anise-seed, powdered and well mixed together. Two ounces of each will be sufficient to use for several times. Take up some hot coals upon a shovel, and sprinkle the powder over them very slowly; and as the smoke arises, carry the shovel into all parts of the room, and fumigate the air thoroughly. It destroys all disagreeable odors, and is said to prevent contagion in infectious diseases, such as diphtheria, scarlet fever, and the like.
Source: Household Hints and Recipes, Henry T. Williams
Money Cleans Eye Glasses
To clean your eye glasses use a soft bank note. It will not scratch or mar them and leaves them beautifully clear. First steam the lenses with your breath, then wipe and polish them with a piece of currency. A trial will prove this far better than using a handkerchief.
Source: 1001 Household Hints, Ottilie V. Ames
Uses for Lemons
Dirty straw hats become clean when wet with lemon juice and brushed with cornmeal.
Ink stains and rust spots vanish when moistened with the juice and hung into the sun.
Fruit-stained hands become white with the application of lemon juice.
Indigestion is relieved by the juice of half a lemon and a little salt in a cup of hot water.
Source: 1001 Household Hints, Ottilie V. Ames
Filed under Remedy | Tags: ames, cornmeal, hat, indigestion, ink, lemon, lemons, rust, salt, stain, stains, straw | Comment (0)Indian Cough Cure
To five cents’ worth of whole flaxseed add three pints of water. Boil fifteen or twenty minutes, strain and add the juice of three lemons, one-half pound of rock candy and one ounce glycerine. Take wine-glass of this three or four times a day and before retiring. It will cure the worst cough in three days.
Source: 1001 Household Hints, Ottilie V. Ames
A very excellent Receipt against Convulsions which cur’d one had 9 Fitts a Day
Take Race oynions and black pepper of each a little quantity stamp’d pretty small and lay it to ye soals of ye feet keep it on 7 houres, whilst ye party is in ye fitt force them not to take any thing inwardly but anoynt ye wrists on ye inside, ye palmes of ye hands, ye Temples and ye nostrills (if it be a childe) with Methridate (if not) with oyle or spirit of Amber, between ye fitts let it drinke black cherrey water sweetned with syrrop of Cloves & syrrop of Pyonies for a weeks time after ye fitts first and last let them ware a necklace of single pyonie roots alwayes about theire neck, avoid giving syrrop of Violets if you fear fitts, but syrrop of Roses and Succory is good to be given together when costive this may be given to children of any age.
Source: A Book of Simples, H.W. Lewer
To Destroy Cockroaches
A very simple trap can be prepared for these disagreeable pests by cutting four or five strips of paste-board, an inch or more in width, and placing them in a slanting position against the sides of a quart bowl or a common nappy [? – ed.]. Then pour into the basin (taking care not to touch its sides) some molasses and water, or stale beer and molasses, and as cockroaches are very fond of sweets, they will walk up the ladders of paste-board, and find a watery death. Pieces of wood will do as well. Several of these traps can be placed in the kitchen and pantry, night after night, and soon their number will be greatly lessened. Another way is to place pieces of unslacked lime where the cockroaches frequent, and they will be driven away. But care must be taken not to let water drip upon the quicklime, as it would produce combustion.
Still another way is to take quantities of powdered borax, and scatter it all about the shelves and the water pipes. The cockroaches do not like it and will not run over it. A solution of alum in boiling hot water will destroy them at once and also kill their larvae.
These insects always follow the water pipes in houses, but any of these simple remedies will keep them from putting in an appearance.
Source: Household Hints and Recipes, Henry T. Williams
Filed under Remedy | Tags: alum, beer, board, borax, cockroach, cockroaches, insect, insects, lime, molasses, pasteboard, pest, pests, quicklime, williams | Comment (0)To Keep Flies Out of a Room
Put a few drops of oil of lavender on a sponge placed in a saucer of hot water. This will give out a scent which flies dislike. If you do not wish to try it in the house, put the sponge on a table on the porch if the flies are troublesome there.
Source: 1001 Household Hints, Ottilie V. Ames