Cough Mixture
1lb dark treacle
1d. paregoric
1d. aniseed
1 quart water
1d. laudanum
1d. peppermint
1d. tincture of squills
Simmer the treacle and water until reduced to half the quantity. When nearly cold add the other ingredients. Mix well and bottle.
Dose, 1 teaspoonful when the cough is troublesome.
Source: The Northampton Cookery Book, M.A. Jeffery
Filed under Remedy | Tags: aniseed, laudanum, northampton, paregoric, peppermint, squills, tincture of squills, treacle | Comment (0)Hallett’s Gout and Bilious Cordial
Infuse in a gallon of distilled aniseed water, 3 oz. Turkey rhubarb, 4 oz. senna leaves, 4 oz. guaiacum shavings, 3 oz. elecampagne root, 1 oz. fennel seed, 14 oz. saffron, 14 oz. cochineal, 1 lb. sun raisins, 1 oz. aniseed; shake it every day for a fortnight; strain and bottle it. A table-spoonful (or two) an hour after dinner.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Cough Mixture
1/2 lb. treacle
1d. paregoric
1d. peppermint
1/2 pint boiling water
1d. aniseed
1d. laudanum
Put in a pint bottle and mix well together. Dose, wine-glassful.
Source: The Northampton Cookery Book, M.A. Jeffery
Filed under Remedy | Tags: aniseed, cough, laudanum, mixture, northampton, paregoric, peppermint, sore throat, throat, treacle | Comment (0)Infant’s Syrup
The syrup is made thus: one pound best box raisins, half an ounce of aniseseed, two sticks licorice; split the raisins, pound the aniseseed, and cut the licorice fine; add to it three quarts of rain water, and boil down to two quarts. Feed three or four times a day, as much as the child will willingly drink. The raisins are to strengthen, the anise is to expel the wind, and the licorice as a physic.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
To Prepare Fumigating Powder
Take equal parts of cascarilla bark, in coarse powder, camomile flowers, and anise-seed, powdered and well mixed together. Two ounces of each will be sufficient to use for several times. Take up some hot coals upon a shovel, and sprinkle the powder over them very slowly; and as the smoke arises, carry the shovel into all parts of the room, and fumigate the air thoroughly. It destroys all disagreeable odors, and is said to prevent contagion in infectious diseases, such as diphtheria, scarlet fever, and the like.
Source: Household Hints and Recipes, Henry T. Williams
For Any Cough Old Or Fresh
TAKE a quartor of a pound of blew currans an ounce of Anyseeds and a penny worth of liquorish makeing it and your seeds first into powder then beat your currans to a kind of a conserve strewing in your powder as you beat them then take of the best maiden honey you can gett putting thereof as much as will moisten all this seting it on the fire let it simer a while but not to long lest it be clammy so take from the fire and keep it for your use. take it as oft as you please upon the poynt of a knife the quantity of a nutmeg.
Source: A Book of Simples, H.W. Lewer
Pectorals for a Colde or Consumption
Take one pound of brown Sugar Candy, one Ounce of Juice of Lycorisse, dissolve ye lycorisse in 3 spoonfulls of Hysop water, put to these a drachm of Orrice a drachm of Enul-campane, halfe a drachm of Gum dragon being all made into fine powder, muske a graine then take a drachm of oyle of Anniseeds, worke it well together with your hand and make it up into pectorals of what bigness you please, lay them on a dish to dry before ye fire or in an oven after drawn bread, and keep them dry.
Source: A Book of Simples, H.W. Lewer
Receipt for Paregoic
Powdered opium two drachms, gum camphor two scruples, oil of anise seed one fluid drachm, whisky one quart, add lastly three tablespoonfuls of honey. Place all in a bottle together, and for one week shake the mixture twice a day ; after standing awhile it will become very clear, then pour off into a small bottle what you wish to use from day to day, and set the other away.
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook
To make Bottle Ale for a Consumption
Take a quart of Ale, and a Pint of strong Aqua vitæ, Mace and Cinamon, of each one quarter of an Ounce, two Spoonfuls of the powder Elecampane root, one quarter of a pound of Loaf Sugar, one quarter of a pound of Raisins of the Sun stoned, four spoonfuls of Aniseeds beaten to Powder, then put all together into a Bottle and stop it close.
Take three spoonfuls of this in a morning fasting, and again one hour before Supper and shake the Bottle when you pour it out.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
Filed under Remedy | Tags: ale, aniseed, aqua vitae, beer, cinamon, cinnamon, consumption, elecampane, mace, raisins, sugar, wolley | Comment (0)The Snail water excellent for Consumptions
Take a Peck of Snails with the Shells on their Backs, have in a readiness a good fire of Charcoal well kindled, make a hole in the midst of the fire, and cast your Snails into the fire, renew your fire till the Snails are well rosted, then rub them with a clean Cloth, till you have rubbed off all the green which will come off.
Then bruise them in a Mortar, shells and all, then take Clary, Celandine, Burrage, Scabious, Bugloss, five leav’d Grass, and if you find your self hot, put in some Wood-Sorrel, of every one of these one handful, with five tops of Angelica.
These Herbs being all bruised in a Mortar, put them in a sweet earthen Pot with five quarts of white Wine, and two quarts of Ale, steep them all night; then put them into an Alembeck, let the herbs be in the bottom of the Pot, and the Snails upon the Herbs, and upon the Snails put a Pint of Earth-worms slit and clean washed in white Wine, and put upon them four ounces of Anniseeds or Fennel-seeds well bruised, and five great handfuls of Rosemary Flowers well picked, two or three Races of Turmerick thin sliced, Harts-horn and Ivory, of each four ounces, well steeped in a quart of white Wine till it be like a Jelly, then draw it forth with care.
Source: The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet, Hannah Wolley
Filed under Remedy | Tags: ale, angelicam wine, aniseed, anniseed, borage, bugloss, burrage, celandine, charcoal, clary, consumption, earthworms, fennel, fennel seed, grass, hartshorn, ivory, rosemary, scabious, snail, snails, sorrel, turmeric, turmerick, wolley, wood sorrel, worms | Comment (0)