For Sore Throat
Make a gargle of cayenne pepper, honey and spirits, or sage tea, with alum and honey, or figs boiled, mashed and strained, and use it once in two hours. If it is very bad, steam the mouth with a funnel held over hot vinegar, and put on a hot poultice of hops, boiled in weak ley and thickened with corn-meal; there should be a little lard spread over; renew it every time it gets cold. Another very good poultice, is hot mush strewed with powdered camphor; put it on as hot as can be borne, and change it when cold. A purgative should be given, either of senna and salts, castor oil; or rhubarb and soap pills. An emetic is of great importance, and has caused the throat to break when persons have been very ill.
Sore throats have been cured when quinsy was apprehended, by using powdered camphor and lard on flannel. It is a good way, when persons are subject to it, to keep an ounce of camphor mixed with lard, in a wide-mouthed bottle, or jar; and corked tight. The cayenne pepper and honey gargle should also be kept ready mixed, and used when the first symptoms appear; or in a violent attack, a plaster of snuff and lard may be applied with benefit, keeping it on only a few minutes at a time. Sometimes a bag of hot ashes sprinkled with vinegar, and applied hot as can be borne, has cured a sore throat in one night. Persons that have been afflicted for years with repeated attacks of sore throat and quinsy, have been cured by bathing the throat, neck and ears with cold water every morning. The constant use of the shower bath is very important. Keep the feet warm.
Source: Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers, Elizabeth E. Lea
Filed under Remedy | Tags: alum, ashes, camphor, castor oil, cayenne, cayenne pepper, cornmeal, emetic, figs, flannel, honey, hops, lard, lea, ley, mush, poultice, purgative, quinsy, rhubarb, sage, sage tea, senna, shower bath, snuff, soap, sore throat, spirits, throat, vinegar | Comment (0)For Hoarseness
Whip the white of a fresh egg to a stiff froth, add the juice of one lemon and sugar to taste. Take frequently in small doses.
Source: The Inglenook Cook Book
This plant contains a certain amount of saltpetre, as may be proved by burning a dried leaf. For this reason, it is used with great benefit for the relief of sore throats. The root is rich in gum, and if boiled yields a mucilaginous emulsion, excellent for irritation of the throat and chest. Very violent attacks of toothache, where the nerve has taken cold, are often cured by holding a portion of the leaves, previously boiled in milk, and applied warm, in the mouth, against the affected tooth.
Source: The Universal Cookery Book, Gertrude Strohm
Gargle for Sore Throat
Make a gargle of one teaspoonful of molasses, one of salt, and one half-teaspoonful of cayenne-pepper. Mix these with one teacupful of hot water. When cool, add one quarter of a cup of cider-vinegar.
Source: The Universal Cookery Book, Gertrude Strohm
White Liniment
Good for sprains, bruises, sores, sore throat, etc. Take one quart of sharp apple vinegar, one-half pint of turpentine, and three eggs, and shake well together. This is equally good for man or beast.
Source: The Inglenook Cook Book
Gargles For Inflamed Throat
Take one dram of sulphuric ether and add to it half an ounce of syrup of marsh-mallows and a teacupful of barley water. Gargle the throat frequently with the mixture until the inflammation dies away.
Or, mix together two drams of purified nitre, seven drams of acetate of honey, and eight ounces of barley-water. Use frequently.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: acetate of honey, barley, barley water, ether, gargle, honey, inflamed throat, marshmallow, million, nitre, purified nitre, sore throat, sulphuric ether, throat | Comment (0)Sore Throat
Slice a thin piece of old smoked bacon, the older the better. Stitch this to a piece of flannel and make it black with pepper. Warm it and fasten closely around the throat. Do not remove until the inflammation has been drawn to the outside. When the meat is taken off anoint the throat with a good vaseline and bind up in flannel which must be left on until the throat is entirely well.
Source: The Inglenook Cook Book
Elliman’s Embrocation
One new-laid egg well beaten, add to it by degrees one gill turpentine, one gill vinegar, put in alternately one-half ounce spirits of camphor.
Directions for use. — For rheumatism, lumbago, for sore throat, cold in chest, etc., rub in well with hand, night and morning. A flannel may also be soaked in embrocation and put on, covered with a cloth or flannel. Can be used also as a substitute for mustard plaster, as above.
Source: The Canadian Family Cookbook, Grace E. Denison
Filed under Remedy | Tags: camphor, chest, chest cold, denison, egg, embrocation, flannel, lumbago, mustard plaster, rheumatism, sore throat, spirits of camphor, turpentine, vinegar | Comment (0)To Remove Sudden Hoarseness
Take a teaspoonful of sweet spirits of nitre in a wineglassful of water. Or a little salt prunella dissolved slowly in the mouth, or eating a piece of anchovy will generally remove it.
The following will likewise be found very useful: — Spermaceti powder, half an ounce ; gum-arabic powder, half an ounce ; elixir paregoric, three drams ; honey, one tablespoonful. Mix, and take a teaspoonful dissolved in the mouth.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: anchovy, gum arabic, hoarseness, honey, million, nitre, paregoric, prunella, sore throat, spermaceti, spirits of nitre, throat, voice | Comment (0)An excellent Gargle for a Sore Throat
Half fill a teapot with dark red rose leaves, pour boiling water over; when cold strain it into a 6 oz. bottle, add a tea-spoonful of tincture of myrrh, and 25 drops of elixir of vitriol: if the throat be ulcerated, a tea-spoonful of tincture of cayenne.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett