Invaluable Dentifrice

September 3rd, 2022

Dissolve two ounces of borax in three pints of boiling water; before quite cold, add one tea-spoonful of tincture of myrrh, and one table-spoonful of spirits of camphor; bottle the mixture for use. One wine-glassful of this solution, added to half a pint of tepid water, is sufficient for each application.

Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley

Cheap and Invaluable Dentifrice

April 10th, 2022

Dissolve 2 ounces of borax in three pints of water; before quite cold, add thereto one tea-spoonful of tincture of myrrh, and one tablespoonful of spirits of camphor; bottle the mixture for use. One wine-glass of the solution, added to half a pint of tepid water, is sufficient for each application. This solution, applied daily, preserves and beautifies the teeth, extirpates all tartarous adhesion, produces a pearl-like whiteness, arrests decay, and induces a healthy action in the gums.

Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley

Piles, Ointment For The

October 2nd, 2021

Hog’s lard, four ounces; powdered galls, one ounce; laudanum, half an ounce; and spirits of camphor, two drams. Mix, and apply at bed-time.

Source: Recipes for the Million

Perspiration, To Remedy Profuse

June 4th, 2021

Take nutritious and a rather generous diet, with a tonic of citrate of iron and quinine. Locally the skin should be washed with juniper tar soap and sponged from time to time with a lotion containing one part liquid ammonia and three parts water.

A foreign physician has found the following a cure in many cases : — Take of powdered sage leaves a large teaspoonful, boil them gently for five minutes in six ounces of water, strain, sweeten to taste, and take a third part three times daily.

The following is also recommended : — To a wineglassful of water add two drams of compound spirits of camphor and forty drops of diluted sulphuric acid. Dose: One tablespoonful twice a day.

Source: Recipes for the Million

Elliman’s Embrocation

May 15th, 2021

One new-laid egg well beaten, add to it by degrees one gill turpentine, one gill vinegar, put in alternately one-half ounce spirits of camphor.

Directions for use. — For rheumatism, lumbago, for sore throat, cold in chest, etc., rub in well with hand, night and morning. A flannel may also be soaked in embrocation and put on, covered with a cloth or flannel. Can be used also as a substitute for mustard plaster, as above.

Source: The Canadian Family Cookbook, Grace E. Denison

Cholera and Diarrhoea

June 19th, 2020

For this recipe the New York Sun newspaper paid one thousand dollars for the benefit of subscribers. It is most effectual but is not adopted for young children. Equal parts of tincture of rhubarb, cayenne, opium, ginger, spirits of camphor and essence of peppermint. Dose, half a teaspoonful every three hours.

Source: The New Galt Cook Book, M. Taylor & F. McNaught

Camphorated Oil

April 28th, 2020

Put into a large bottle four ounces of olive oil and four of spirits of camphor, and shake well. When there is pain in the chest or lungs rub with the camphorated oil. This is excellent to use in case of sprains or bruises.

Source: Miss Parloa’s Young Housekeeper, Maria Parloa

For the Whooping Cough

February 20th, 2020

Onions and garlic sliced, of each one gill; one gill of sweet oil; stir them in the oil in a covered dish; strain and add one gill of honey; one-half an ounce of paregoric; one-half an ounce of spirits of camphor. Bottle and cork for use. Dose: one teaspoonful three or four times a day.

Source: Tried and True Recipes, F.D.P. Jermain

Cure for Diarrhea

December 15th, 2018

The following is said to be an excellent cure for the above distressing complaint: Laudanum, two ounces; spirits of camphor, two ounces; essence of peppermint, two ounces; Hoffman’s anodyne, two ounces; tincture of cayenne pepper, two drachms; tincture of ginger, one ounce. Mix all together. Dose, teaspoonful in a little water, or a half teaspoonful repeated in an hour afterward in a tablespoonful of brandy. This preparation, it is said, will check diarrhea in ten minutes, and abate other premonitory symptoms of cholera immediately. In cases of cholera, it has been used with great success to restore reaction by outward application.

Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie


July 20th, 2017

For a cold in the head just appearing inhale spirits of camphor. Put one or two drops of camphor on a small lump of sugar, dissolve in a wine glass of water, (one gill) and take a teaspoonful every half hour. Take a good cathartic or drink four or five glasses of hot water at bed time and in half an hour follow with four more glasses of hot water. Gargle sore throat with warm water and alcohol or warm water and salt using one level teaspoon of salt to a pint of water. If cold has made the throat or lungs sore, dip a cloth in cold water, wring dry and spread it on throat or chest. Cover with three thicknesses of dry flannel and bind it on securely. Take a hot foot bath and go to bed. This treatment should cure your cold. If is doesn’t it will be a wise thing to call a physician in the morning before alarming symptoms are developed. Bathe frequently, drink plenty of water and keep the bowels in regular action and prevent colds.

Source: Civic League Cook Book

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    NOTE: these remedies are listed only for information and/or amusement. They are not to be construed as medical advice of any type, nor are they recommended for use. Consult your doctor or other medical professional for any medical advice you require.