How to Prevent Cold Feet

May 30th, 2024

Draw off your stockings, when retiring at night, and rub your ankles and feet with a flesh brush or with your hand, as hard as you can bear the pressure, for ten minutes, and you will never complain of cold feet in bed.

It is hardly conceivable what a pleasurable glow such a rubbing will produce.

Frequent bathing of the feet in the morning, and rubbing them thoroughly dry with a coarse linen or flannel cloth, is also very useful for this trouble.

An extra sole in the boot or shoe is also desirable. If one is troubled with cold feet during the day, it is an excellent plan to scatter red pepper, (Cayenne,) into the stockings, not letting it blister the feet, but only warm the skin.

Cold feet, habitually, is one of the sure avenues to death, and care should be taken to keep up a good circulation of the blood, both by rubbing and tonics.

Source: Household Hints and Recipes, Henry T. Williams

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