To Make A Mustard Plaster
If you wish it to produce irritation immediately, mix some flour and water together quite stiff, spread this on your cloth and then sprinkle dry mustard on it quite thick, place a thin cloth over this and dampen with hot water. If you do not wish to raise a blister, mix the mustard up with the white of an egg and a little water. A poultice made in this way may be kept on an indefinite time without raising a blister.
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook
To Remove Discoloration from Bruises
Apply a cloth wrung out in very hot water, and renew frequently until the pain ceases. Or apply raw beefsteak.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
A Splendid Hair Tonic
A strong tincture for the hair is made by adding half an ounce of oil of mace to a pint of deodorized alcohol. Pour a spoonful or two into a saucer; dip a small stiff brush into it, and brush the hair smartly, rubbing the tincture well into the roots. On bald spots, if hair will start at all, it may be stimulated by friction with a piece of flannel until the skin looks red, and rubbing the tincture into the scalp. This process must be repeated three times a day for weeks. When the hair begins to grow, apply the tincture once a day until the growth is well established, bathing the head in cold water every morning, and briskly brushing it to bring the blood to the surface.”
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook
To Clean Brass and Copper
Scrape a little rotten-stone fine, and make into a paste with sweet oil. Rub on with a piece of flannel; let it dry, and polish with a chamois-skin. Copper is cleaned either with vinegar and salt mixed in equal parts, or with oxalic acid. The latter is a deadly poison, and must be treated accordingly.
Source: The Easiest Way in Housekeeping and Cooking, H. Campbell
A Cure for Chilblains
The pulp of a baked turnip beat up in a tea-cup with a table-spoonful of salad oil, ditto of mustard, and ditto of scraped horse-radish; apply this mixture to the chilblains, and tie it on with a piece of rag.
Source: A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes, C.E. Francatelli
Swaim’s Vermifuge
Worm seed, two ounces; valerian, rhubarb, pink root, white agaric, senna, of each one ounce and a half. Boil in sufficient water to yield three quarts of decoction. Now add to it ten drops of the oil of tansy and forty-five drops of the oil of cloves, dissolved in a quart of rectified spirit. Dose: one tablespoonful at night.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Grandmother’s Cough Syrup
Take half a pound of dry hoarhound herbs, one pod of red pepper, four tablespoonfuls of ginger, boil all in three quarts of water, then strain, and add one teaspoonful of good, fresh tar and a pound of sugar. Boil slowly and stir often, until it is reduced to one quart of syrup. When cool, bottle for use. Take one or two teaspoonfuls four or six times a day.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
A Simple and Harmless Hair Dye
“It is said that the water in which potatoes have been boiled with the skins on forms a speedy and harmless dye for the hair and eyebrows. The pareings of potatoes before cooking may be boiled by themselves, and the water strained off for use. To apply it the shoulders should be covered with cloths to protect the dress and a fine comb dipped in the water drawn through the hair, wetting it at each stroke, until the head is thoroughly soaked. Let the hair dry thoroughly before putting it up. If the result is not satisfactory the first time, repeat the wetting with a sponge, taking care not to discolor the skin of the brow and neck. No hesitation need be felt about trying this, for potato-water is a safe article used in the household in a variety of ways. It relieves chilblains if the feet are soaked in it while the water is hot, and is said to ease rheumatic gout.”
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook
Wormwood and Arnica
Wormwood and Arnica are sometimes applied in poultices. Steep the herbs in half a pint of cold water and when all their virtue is extracted stir in a little bran or rye meal to thicken the liquid; the herbs must not be removed from the liquid.
This is a useful application for sprains and bruises.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: arnica, bran, bruise, bruises, poultice, poultices, rye, rye meal, sprain, sprains, whitehouse, wormwood | Comment (0)To Take Out Fruit-Stains
Stretch the stained part tightly over a bowl, and pour on boiling water till it is free from spot.
Source: The Easiest Way in Housekeeping and Cooking, H. Campbell