In slight cases, the juice of onions, a little ink or brandy rubbed immediately on the part affected, will prevent blisters. The juice of burdock, mixed with an equal quantity of olive oil, will make a good ointment for the purpose, and the fresh leaves of that plant may also be applied as a kind of plaster. Houseleek used by itself, or mixed with cream, will afford quick relief in external inflammations. A little spirit of turpentine, or linseed oil, mixed with lime water, if kept constantly to the part will remove the pain. But warm vinegar and water, frequently applied with a woollen cloth, is most to be depended on in these cases.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
For Bruises and Swellings
Use distilled witch-hazel, wetting a cloth and applying frequently. Both better and cheaper than arnica.
Source: The New Galt Cook Book, M. Taylor & F. McNaught
Pour kerosene oil in a saucer, wring out a rag in it and with this wipe the affected parts several times each day. If awake in the night, do the same thing. Do not saturate the cloth and lay it upon the chilblains, as it might cause a blister. Wipe the feet with a dampened cloth and let them dry themselves.
Source: 1001 Household Hints, Ottilie V. Ames
Boil Remedy
Take a piece of soft linen or borated gauze, rub some vaseline upon one side of it, quickly pour upon it some chloroform, apply it to the unopened boil or carbuncle, and place a bandage over all. It smarts a little at first, but this is soon succeeded by a pleasing, cool sensation. The patient is given a bottle of the remedy, and directed to change the cloth often. In from 2 hours to 1 day the boil (no matter how indurated) softens and opens.
Source: Henley’s Twentieth Century Formulas, Recipes and Processes
Hints In Regard To Health (Part II)
(Continued from this post.)
- Sprains and bruises call for an application of the tincture of arnica.
- If an artery is severed, tie a small cord or handkerchief above it.
- For bilious colic, soda and ginger in hot water. It may be taken freely.
- Tickling in the throat is best relieved by a gargling of salt and water.
- Pains in the side are most promptly relieved by the application of mustard.
- For cold in the head nothing is better than powdered borax, sniffed up the nostrils.
- A drink of hot, strong lemonade before going to bed will often break up a cold and cure a sore throat.
- Nervous spasms are usually relieved by a little salt taken into the mouth and allowed to dissolve.
- Whooping cough paroxysms are relieved by breathing the fumes of turpentine and carbolic acid.
- Broken limbs should be placed in natural positions, and the patient kept quiet until the surgeon arrives.
- Hemorrhages of the lungs or stomach are promptly checked by small doses of salt. The patient should be kept as quiet as possible.
- Sleeplessness, caused by too much blood in the head may be overcome by applying a cloth wet with cold water to the back of the neck.
- Wind colic is promptly relieved by peppermint essence taken in a little warm water. For small children it may be sweetened. Paregoric is also good.
- For stomach cramps, ginger ale or a teaspoonful of the tincture of ginger in a half glass of water in which a half teaspoonful of soda has been dissolved.
- Sickness of the stomach is most promptly relieved by drinking a teacupful of hot soda and water. If it brings the offending matter up, all the better.
- A teaspoonful of ground mustard in a cupful of warm water is a prompt and reliable emetic, and should be resorted to in cases of poisoning or cramps in the stomach from over-eating.
- Avoid purgatives or strong physic, as they not only do no good, but are positively hurtful. Pills may relieve for the time, but they seldom cure.
- Powdered resin is the best thing to stop bleeding from cuts. After the powder is sprinkled on, wrap the wound with soft cotton cloth. As soon as the wound begins to feel feverish, keep the cloth wet with cold water.
- Hot water is better than cold for bruises. It relieves pain quickly, and by preventing congestion often keeps off the ugly black and blue mark. “Children cry for it,” when they experience the relief it affords their bumps and bruises.
- For a sprained ankle, the whites of eggs and powdered alum made into a plaster is almost a specific.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: arnica, artery, bilious colic, bleeding, borax, broken limb, bruise, bruises, carbolic acid, cloth, cold, cold in the head, colic, cord, cramps, cuts, egg white, emetic, ginger, ginger ale, ground mustard, handkerchief, hemorrhages, lemonade, lungs, mustard, nervous spasm, nostril, paregoric, peppermint essence, powdered alum, powdered resin, purgatives, resin, salt, sleeplessness, soda, sore throat, sprain, sprained ankle, stomach, stomach cramps, throat, tickling, tincture, turpentine, whitehouse, whooping cough, wind colic | Comment (0)Scorched Clothes
Scorched clothes are often discarded as hopeless, but if not much burned may be made all right by the use of onion juice. Bake the onion and squeeze out the juice. Mix it with an ounce of fuller’s earth, a litle shredded soap and a wine glass of vinegar. Heat the mixture till the soap is dissolved. Then wait till it is cold before applying. Rub it well over the scorched place and leave to dry, then put the garment in the regular washing.
Source: 1001 Household Hints, Ottilie V. Ames
Head in upright position. Raise arm on bleeding side. Loosen collar. Apply ice in a cloth to bridge of nose and back of neck. A roll of paper under upper lip. Snuff cold tea up nose, or salt water, 1 tsp. to cup water, or the same of powdered alum.
If bleeding continues, tie a small wad of cotton with thread; dip it into peroxide of hydrogen, and plug nostril by pushing the cotton gently with a pencil. The thread is used to withdraw cotton.
If these means fail, send for doctor.
Source: The Mary Frances First Aid Book, Jane Eayre Fryer
Filed under Remedy | Tags: alum, arm, beck, bleeding, blood, cloth, collar, cotton, fryer, head, hydrogen peroxide, ice, lip, nose, nose bleed, nosebleed, paper, peroxide, powdered alum, salt, tea | Comment (0)Mustard Poultice
Two ounces of dry mustard mixed with the whites of two eggs to a paste. Spread on a cloth in a thick paste and apply while it is fresh and wet.
Source: Civic League Cook Book
Orange Flower Lotion for the Complexion
Dissolve a slightly heaping tablespoonful of Epsom salts in a pint of imported orange flower water (Chiris de Grasse), and add to it one tablespoonful of witch hazel. Apply with a soft linen cloth. Very refreshing in warm weather and an excellent remedy for oiliness of the skin.
Source: The Golden Age Cook Book, H. L. Dwight
French Polish
Take a quarter of an ounce of gum sandarac and a quarter of an ounce of gum mastic; pick the dirt and black lumps out very carefully, and pound them in a mortar quite fine; put them into a bottle, and add to them a quartern (old measure) of strong spirit of wine; cork it down and put it in a warm place; shake it frequently till the gum is entirely dissolved, which will be in about twenty-four hours.
Before using it, be careful to ascertain that no grease is on the furniture, as grease would prevent its receiving the polish. If the furniture has been previously cleaned with bees’-wax or oil, it must be got off by scraping, which is the best way, but difficult to those who do not perfectly understand it, because if you are not very careful, you may scratch the surface, and create more expense than a workman would charge to do it properly at first. Or it may be done by scouring well with sand and water, and afterward rubbed quite smooth with fine glass paper, being careful to do it with the grain of the wood. To apply the polish, you must have a piece of list or cloth twisted, and tied round quite tight, and left even at one end, which should be covered with a piece of fine linen cloth; then pour a little of the polish on the furniture, and rub it well all over till it is worked into the grain of the wood, and begins to look quite smooth; then take a soft fine cloth, or what is better, an old silk handkerchief, and keep rubbing lightly until the polish is complete, which will take two or three hours. It will greatly help the polish if it is done near a fire.
If it does not look so smooth and clear as it should, a little sweet oil rubbed lightly over, and cleaned off directly, will greatly heighten it. If any part of the furniture has carving about it, where it will be impossible to polish, it must be done with mastic varnish, and a camel’s hair brush, after the rest is finished.
When the polish begins to look dull, it may be recovered with a little spirit of wine.
Source: The Cook’s Oracle and Housekeeper’s Manual, W.M. Kitchener
Filed under Remedy | Tags: beeswax, cloth, french polish, furniture, glass paper, grease, gum, gum mastic, gum sandarac, kitchener, linen, oil, polish, sand, spirit of wine, varnish, wax, wine, wood | Comment (0)