Salve for Cuts and Burns
Take three carrots, grate them, place in a vessel and cover with fresh lard, simmer half an hour, strain and add sufficient beeswax to make a paste. This is a valuable ointment for cuts, burns or wounds of any kind.
Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray
Mutton Suet, The Value Of
One drop of warm mutton suet applied to any sore at night, just before retiring, will soon cause it to disappear; the same for chapped hands or parched lips. If people only knew the value of the healing properties of so simple a thing no housekeeper would be without it. For cuts or bruises it is almost indispensable. Keep the wound clean, and put a little suet, melted, on a rag, and you will be astonished to see how soon the sore will heal.
Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray
For Bruises, Cuts, or Wounds
Keep in the house a bottle containing a mixture of 3/4 oz. of scented trefoil, of rum, and of sweet oil.– Or: have a bottle three parts full of brandy, fill it quite full with the white leaves of the flowers of the garden lily, and cork it close. Lay some of the leaves on the wound, and keep it wet with the liquor. The root of the same lily is used to make strong poultices.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Cure for Cuts and Bruises
Cut fingers and bruises of all kinds if wrapped in a cloth wet in alum water heal with a rapidity that is truly wonderful.
Source: The New Galt Cook Book, M. Taylor & F. McNaught
Healing Salve
One lb. Lard, 1/2 lb. Resin, 1/2 lb. Sweet Elder bark. Simmer over a slow fire 4 hours, or until it forms a hard, brown salve. This is for the cure of cuts, bruises, boils, old sores and all like ailments. Spread on a cotton cloth and apply to the parts affected.
Source: One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed, C. A. Bogardus
Hints In Regard To Health (Part II)
(Continued from this post.)
- Sprains and bruises call for an application of the tincture of arnica.
- If an artery is severed, tie a small cord or handkerchief above it.
- For bilious colic, soda and ginger in hot water. It may be taken freely.
- Tickling in the throat is best relieved by a gargling of salt and water.
- Pains in the side are most promptly relieved by the application of mustard.
- For cold in the head nothing is better than powdered borax, sniffed up the nostrils.
- A drink of hot, strong lemonade before going to bed will often break up a cold and cure a sore throat.
- Nervous spasms are usually relieved by a little salt taken into the mouth and allowed to dissolve.
- Whooping cough paroxysms are relieved by breathing the fumes of turpentine and carbolic acid.
- Broken limbs should be placed in natural positions, and the patient kept quiet until the surgeon arrives.
- Hemorrhages of the lungs or stomach are promptly checked by small doses of salt. The patient should be kept as quiet as possible.
- Sleeplessness, caused by too much blood in the head may be overcome by applying a cloth wet with cold water to the back of the neck.
- Wind colic is promptly relieved by peppermint essence taken in a little warm water. For small children it may be sweetened. Paregoric is also good.
- For stomach cramps, ginger ale or a teaspoonful of the tincture of ginger in a half glass of water in which a half teaspoonful of soda has been dissolved.
- Sickness of the stomach is most promptly relieved by drinking a teacupful of hot soda and water. If it brings the offending matter up, all the better.
- A teaspoonful of ground mustard in a cupful of warm water is a prompt and reliable emetic, and should be resorted to in cases of poisoning or cramps in the stomach from over-eating.
- Avoid purgatives or strong physic, as they not only do no good, but are positively hurtful. Pills may relieve for the time, but they seldom cure.
- Powdered resin is the best thing to stop bleeding from cuts. After the powder is sprinkled on, wrap the wound with soft cotton cloth. As soon as the wound begins to feel feverish, keep the cloth wet with cold water.
- Hot water is better than cold for bruises. It relieves pain quickly, and by preventing congestion often keeps off the ugly black and blue mark. “Children cry for it,” when they experience the relief it affords their bumps and bruises.
- For a sprained ankle, the whites of eggs and powdered alum made into a plaster is almost a specific.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: arnica, artery, bilious colic, bleeding, borax, broken limb, bruise, bruises, carbolic acid, cloth, cold, cold in the head, colic, cord, cramps, cuts, egg white, emetic, ginger, ginger ale, ground mustard, handkerchief, hemorrhages, lemonade, lungs, mustard, nervous spasm, nostril, paregoric, peppermint essence, powdered alum, powdered resin, purgatives, resin, salt, sleeplessness, soda, sore throat, sprain, sprained ankle, stomach, stomach cramps, throat, tickling, tincture, turpentine, whitehouse, whooping cough, wind colic | Comment (0)Cuts and Scratches
Apply peroxide to cuts, scratches and all bruises where the skin is broken. This remedy often serves as a preventative to blood poisoning.
Source: Civic League Cook Book
Balm of Gilead Oil
Put loosely into a bottle as many balm of Gilead flowers as will come up to a third part of its height; then nearly fill up the bottle with sweet oil, which should be of the best quality. Let it infuse (shaking it occasionally) for several days, and it will then be fit for use. It is considered a good remedy for bruises of the skin; also for cuts, burns, and scalds that are not very bad, and should be applied immediately,–by wetting a soft rag with it; renewing it frequently,
Source: Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches, Eliza Leslie
To Stop Blood
For a prick with a pin, or a slight cut, nothing will more effectually stop the bleeding than old cobwebs compressed into a lump and applied to the wound, or bound on it with a rag. A scrap of cotton wadding is also good for stopping blood.
Source: Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches, Eliza Leslie
To Stop the Flow of Blood
Bathe the cut with ordinary red wine; then cover the wound with either whiting, pipe-clay, or cobwebs and brown sugar ; if you have none of these, apply the fine dust of tea, or, if all are
wanting, a handful of earth held tightly to the wound until help can be obtained ; if the cut is deep, it is wise not only to bandage it tightly, but to tie another bandage above, not onto, the wound.
Source: The Unrivalled Cook-Book and Housekeeper’s Guide, Mrs Washington