
February 12th, 2023

Given in chronic liver and bowel complaints. Its properties for exciting the liver to healthy action has few equals. It has been given successfully for incontinence of urine. A teaspoonful of powder in treacle once or twice a day.

Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray


February 8th, 2023

Rub the head night and morning with a decoction of boxwood. One ounce to a pint of water, boil for a quarter of an hour in a covered vessel, cool and strain, add an ounce and a half of Eau de Cologne or lavender water to make it keep.

Or: A valuable stimulant to promote the growth of the hair is made as follows:- Eau de Cologne 2 ounces, tincture of cantharides 2 drachms, oil of rosemary 10 drops. To be rubbed on the bald part every night.

Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray

Acne on the Face

January 31st, 2023

Paint with a lotion of 2 drachms of soft soap, an ounce of rectified spirit, and an ounce of spirit of lavender.

Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray


January 25th, 2023

The best remedy for the fearful complaint, nightmare, is the herb thyme, used in the manner of tea.

Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray

Heart Disease

January 9th, 2023

Heart disease is greatly relieved by taking a tablespoonful of whisky in a little milk.

Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray

Blood Purifier, A Recipe Invaluable

January 1st, 2023

The simplest and best blood purifier known is a sliced lemon, two tablespoonsful of black currant preserves, and ten red sage leaves, to a quart of boiling water, sweetened to taste, which makes a most agreeable drink.

Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray


November 17th, 2022

For a troublesome corn, rub it now and again with spirits of turpentine and it will soon depart company; or, corns are speedily cured by first paring, then bind a slice of lemon over them. Tried with good effects.

Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray

Salve for Cuts and Burns

November 13th, 2022

Take three carrots, grate them, place in a vessel and cover with fresh lard, simmer half an hour, strain and add sufficient beeswax to make a paste. This is a valuable ointment for cuts, burns or wounds of any kind.

Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray


November 9th, 2022

For internal bruises nothing answers so well as tincture of arnica. 10 drops in a tablespoonful of water every three hours. It is also one of the best remedies for external bruises of all kinds, relieving the pain caused by blows, falls or other injuries. A lotion made of 1 part of the tincture to 10 of water, apply immediately by well saturating a piece of lint and covering over with oiled silk to prevent evaporation. The sooner this is done after receiving the injury the more likely it is to do good.

Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray

Health, To Enjoy: A Very Useful Recipe

November 1st, 2022

One tablespoonful of lime-water taken in a little milk in a morning keeps a person in good health; or to look well and keep well, simply boil one pennyworth of watercress ten minutes in one pint of water, the water to be drunk in milk in equal parts; to each teacupful add one tablespoonful of lime water, and the best of health is the result; use it freely and at any time; the cost is a mere trifle. This entirely dispenses with all sorts of 2s. 6d Blood Mixture bottles, for everyone knows the value of the watercress, and most people know the value of lime water, and all know the properties of milk.

Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray

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    NOTE: these remedies are listed only for information and/or amusement. They are not to be construed as medical advice of any type, nor are they recommended for use. Consult your doctor or other medical professional for any medical advice you require.