Blackberry Cordial

June 9th, 2024

To one quart of blackberry juice, add one pound of white sugar, one tablespoonful of cloves, one of allspice, one of cinnamon, and one of nutmeg. Boil all together fifteen minutes; add a wineglass of whiskey, brandy or rum. Bottle while hot, cork tight, and seal. This is almost a specific in diarrhea. One dose, which is a wineglassful for an adult–half that quantity for a child–will often cure diarrhea. It can be taken three or four times a day if the case is severe.

Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie

Heart Disease

January 9th, 2023

Heart disease is greatly relieved by taking a tablespoonful of whisky in a little milk.

Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray

Remedy for Cough

February 9th, 2021

One ounce of Balm of Gilead buds; put in a quart of water and boil down to a pint; add one pint of Bourbon whisky and one pound of loaf sugar.

Source: The Canadian Family Cookbook, Grace E. Denison

An Excellent Cough Remedy

March 21st, 2020

Twenty grains tartar emetic;
Forty grains pulverised opium;
Four ounces sweet spirits of nitre;
Two ounces of liquorice;
Twelve tablespoons of honey and one pint of whiskey.

For an adult one dessert-spoonful three times a day, at night, when the cough is troublesome, take the same proportions; for children a teaspoonful and so on according to the age.

Source: Household Recipes, Constance Hatton Hart

Excellent Tonic for the Hair

March 29th, 2019

1 teaspoonful of quinine, 1 tablespoonful of salt, 1 pint of whisky.

Source: Flint Hills Cook Book

Apple Toddy

March 5th, 2019

Boil a large juicy pippin in a quart of water, and when it has broken to pieces strain off the water. While it is still boiling-hot, add a glass of fine old whiskey, a little lemon-juice, and sweeten to taste.

Take hot at bed-time for influenza.

Source: Common Sense in the Household, Marion Harland

Receipt for Chronic Diarrhea

February 24th, 2016

Cinnamon seed one-half ounce, cardamon seed one-quarter of an ounce, carroway seed one-quarter of an ounce, orange peel two ounces, English gentian one ounce, camomile flowers one-half ounce. Put on to the above one quart of old rye whisky. (They must all be ground up first).

Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook


December 6th, 2015

There are various ways of treating earache: the most old fashioned are the appliance of a roasted onion, or a hot bag of salt to the ear, and putting in the ear a small piece of cotton wet with camphorated oil, or simple olive-oil with a drop of chloroform; better still, to puff tobacco smoke into the ear. This remedy is very soothing and effective.

Or, take a small wax taper, pare one end quite small, envelop it in a dry linen rag, insert it into the ear; then light the taper. Odd as this remedy may seem, it is wonderfully rapid and effective; it is practised by all Italian sailors and fishermen.

In Kentucky, a cockroach is drowned in whiskey, then wrapped in hot cotton, and applied to the ear.

Source: The Unrivalled Cook-Book and Housekeeper’s Guide, Mrs Washington

Pennington’s Old Virginia Beef-Tea Tonic

October 27th, 2015

One pound of lean, juicy beef; half a pint of cold water; half a pint of old bourbon whiskey.

Cut the beef into pieces about half an inch square ; pour over it half a pint of cold water, cover, and let it stand twelve hours ; then add half a pint of old bourbon whiskey, and let it stand six hours ; then strain three or four times until quite clear ; keep (closely covered) in a cool place, and take a small wineglassful two or three times a day. This is a capital tonic.

Source: The Unrivalled Cook-Book and Housekeeper’s Guide, Mrs Washington

Cough Syrup

July 25th, 2015

Take horehound herb, elecampane root, spikenard root, ginseng root, black cohosh, and skunk cabbage root, of each a good-sized handful. Bruise and cover with spirits or whisky, and let stand ten days; then put all in a suitable vessel, add about four quarts of water and simmer slowly over a fire (but don’t boil) for twelve hours, or till reduced to about three pints, then strain and add one pint of strained honey, half a pint each of number six, tincture lobelia, and tincture bloodroot (the vinegar or acetic tincture of bloodroot is the best) and four ounces of strong essence of anise, and you will have one of the best cough syrups known. Dose: A tablespoonful three to six times a day, according to circumstances. Good in all kinds of coughs and incipient consumption.

Source: The Ladies’ Book of Useful Information

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    NOTE: these remedies are listed only for information and/or amusement. They are not to be construed as medical advice of any type, nor are they recommended for use. Consult your doctor or other medical professional for any medical advice you require.