Mixture of Lemon Juice and Honey
Take half a pint of honey and squeeze the juice of four lemons on it; mix well together, and add a small portion of sugar; take a tea-spoonful every time the cough is troublesome.
Source: Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers, Elizabeth E. Lea
For Whooping Cough
Dissolve a scruple of salts of tartar in a gill of water, put in half a scruple of pulverized cochineal, sweeten it with loaf sugar, give an infant a tea-spoonful of this mixture four times a day, and a child four years old or upwards, a table-spoonful. In some cases the relief is instantaneous.
Another Remedy
Half a pint of honey, half a pint of vinegar, two table-spoonsful of sweet oil stewed together a few minutes; when cold put it in a bottle, and put in a tea-spoonful of laudanum; shake it well, and give a table-spoonful when the cough is troublesome, and a dose just before going to bed. For an infant of six months, a small tea-spoonful is a dose, and for a child of four years, two tea-spoonsful. Where there is not much fever, a little port or claret wine, mixed with sugar and water, and taken with toast broken in it, is beneficial. Children should be taken out riding if possible, and should be well wrapped up.
Source: Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers, Elizabeth E. Lea
Filed under Remedy | Tags: claret, cochineal, cough, honey, lea, loaf-sugar, port, riding, salts of tartar, sugar, sweet oil, toast, vinegar, whooping cough, wine | Comment (0)An Ointment For The Hair
Mix two ounces of bear’s grease, half an ounce of honey, one drachm of laudanum, three drachms of the powder of southernwood, three drachms of the balsam of Peru, one and a half drachms of the ashes of the roots of bulrushes, and a small quantity of the oil of sweet almonds.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
Almond Paste
Take 1 ounce of bitter almonds, blanch and pound them to a fine powder, then add 1 ounce of barley flour, and make it into a smooth paste by the addition of a little honey. When this paste is laid over the skin, particularly where there are freckles, it makes it smooth and soft.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
For Sore Throat
Make a gargle of cayenne pepper, honey and spirits, or sage tea, with alum and honey, or figs boiled, mashed and strained, and use it once in two hours. If it is very bad, steam the mouth with a funnel held over hot vinegar, and put on a hot poultice of hops, boiled in weak ley and thickened with corn-meal; there should be a little lard spread over; renew it every time it gets cold. Another very good poultice, is hot mush strewed with powdered camphor; put it on as hot as can be borne, and change it when cold. A purgative should be given, either of senna and salts, castor oil; or rhubarb and soap pills. An emetic is of great importance, and has caused the throat to break when persons have been very ill.
Sore throats have been cured when quinsy was apprehended, by using powdered camphor and lard on flannel. It is a good way, when persons are subject to it, to keep an ounce of camphor mixed with lard, in a wide-mouthed bottle, or jar; and corked tight. The cayenne pepper and honey gargle should also be kept ready mixed, and used when the first symptoms appear; or in a violent attack, a plaster of snuff and lard may be applied with benefit, keeping it on only a few minutes at a time. Sometimes a bag of hot ashes sprinkled with vinegar, and applied hot as can be borne, has cured a sore throat in one night. Persons that have been afflicted for years with repeated attacks of sore throat and quinsy, have been cured by bathing the throat, neck and ears with cold water every morning. The constant use of the shower bath is very important. Keep the feet warm.
Source: Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers, Elizabeth E. Lea
Filed under Remedy | Tags: alum, ashes, camphor, castor oil, cayenne, cayenne pepper, cornmeal, emetic, figs, flannel, honey, hops, lard, lea, ley, mush, poultice, purgative, quinsy, rhubarb, sage, sage tea, senna, shower bath, snuff, soap, sore throat, spirits, throat, vinegar | Comment (0)Washes
An infusion of horseradish in milk, makes one of the safest and best washes for the skin; or the fresh juice of houseleek, mixed with an equal quantity of new milk or cream. Honey water made rather thick, so as to form a kind of varnish on the skin, is a useful application in frosty weather, when the skin is liable to be chipped; and if it occasions any irritation or uneasiness, a little fine flour or pure hair powder should be dusted on the hands or face. A more elegant wash may be made of four ounces of potash, four ounces of rose water, and two of lemon juice, mixed in two quarts of water. A spoonful or two of this mixture put into the basin, will scent and soften the water intended to be used.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
Mixture for a Cold
The juice of 1/2 a lemon
1/2 small teaspoonful sweet spirits of nitre
1 teaspoonful glycerine
A little honey
Put these ingredients into a tumbler and then fill 3 parts full of boiling water. Drink last thing at night.
Source: The Northampton Cookery Book, M.A. Jeffery
Filed under Remedy | Tags: cold, colds, glycerin, glycerine, honey, lemon, northampton, spirits of nitre | Comment (0)Croup
Give equal parts of butter and honey melted together, or lard and sugar, or onion juice and sugar, or equal parts of alum and sugar. If choking is bad give the white of an egg or something to cause vomiting, that the phlegm may be thrown up. Always grease the breast well with lard, and keep covered with flannel. Melt the lard and put it on as hot as can be borne. If nothing else helps, wrap the child in blankets and give hot drinks until sweating is induced, but after this treatment great care must be taken as the patient will take cold very easily.
Source: The Inglenook Cook Book
Gargles For Inflamed Throat
Take one dram of sulphuric ether and add to it half an ounce of syrup of marsh-mallows and a teacupful of barley water. Gargle the throat frequently with the mixture until the inflammation dies away.
Or, mix together two drams of purified nitre, seven drams of acetate of honey, and eight ounces of barley-water. Use frequently.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: acetate of honey, barley, barley water, ether, gargle, honey, inflamed throat, marshmallow, million, nitre, purified nitre, sore throat, sulphuric ether, throat | Comment (0)For Chapped Hands
Mix 1/3 pint double distilled rose water, 1/2 oz. oil of almonds and 7 grains salt of tartar.– Or: yolks of 3 eggs, 3 table-spoonsful honey, 4 table-spoonsful brandy, and 4 sweet almonds, pounded. — Or: dissolve a tea-spoonful of pulverised borax in a tea-cupful of boiling soft water, add a tea-spoonful of honey, and mix well together. After washing, wipe the hands very dry, and put the mixture on with a feather.– Oil of Almonds or spermaceti rubbed on at night are soft and healing.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett