For Whooping Cough
Dissolve a scruple of salts of tartar in a gill of water, put in half a scruple of pulverized cochineal, sweeten it with loaf sugar, give an infant a tea-spoonful of this mixture four times a day, and a child four years old or upwards, a table-spoonful. In some cases the relief is instantaneous.
Another Remedy
Half a pint of honey, half a pint of vinegar, two table-spoonsful of sweet oil stewed together a few minutes; when cold put it in a bottle, and put in a tea-spoonful of laudanum; shake it well, and give a table-spoonful when the cough is troublesome, and a dose just before going to bed. For an infant of six months, a small tea-spoonful is a dose, and for a child of four years, two tea-spoonsful. Where there is not much fever, a little port or claret wine, mixed with sugar and water, and taken with toast broken in it, is beneficial. Children should be taken out riding if possible, and should be well wrapped up.
Source: Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers, Elizabeth E. Lea
Filed under Remedy | Tags: claret, cochineal, cough, honey, lea, loaf-sugar, port, riding, salts of tartar, sugar, sweet oil, toast, vinegar, whooping cough, wine | Comment (0)Bitters
Bruise an ounce of gentian root, and two drams of cardamom seeds together: add an ounce of lemon peel, and three drams of Seville orange peel. Pour on the ingredients a pint and half of boiling water, and let it stand an hour closely covered: then pour off the clear liquor, and a glass of it taken two or three times a day will be found an excellent bitter for the stomach.
Or slice an ounce of gentian root, and add half a dram of snakes’ root bruised, half a dram of saffron, three quarters of a dram of cardamom seeds, and the same of cochineal bruised together, and the peel of three Seville oranges. Steep the ingredients in a pint of brandy fourteen days, shaking them together frequently; then strain the tincture through a piece of muslin, and a tea-spoonful in a glass of wine may be taken two or three times a day.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bitter, bitters, brandy, cardamom, cardamom seed, cochineal, digestion, eaton, gentian, gentian root, lemon, lemon peel, orange, orange peel, saddron, seville orange, snakes' root, stomach, wine | Comment (0)For the Hooping Cough
Dissolve 1 scruple of salt of tartar in 1 1/4 pint of cold water: add 10 grains of pounded cochineal, and sweeten with lump sugar. The dose increased in proportion to the age of the patient; for a child five years old, a table-spoonful is sufficient; for adults 2 table-spoonsful 3 times a day. Abstain from all acids.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Hallett’s Gout and Bilious Cordial
Infuse in a gallon of distilled aniseed water, 3 oz. Turkey rhubarb, 4 oz. senna leaves, 4 oz. guaiacum shavings, 3 oz. elecampagne root, 1 oz. fennel seed, 14 oz. saffron, 14 oz. cochineal, 1 lb. sun raisins, 1 oz. aniseed; shake it every day for a fortnight; strain and bottle it. A table-spoonful (or two) an hour after dinner.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Gout Cordial
Rhubarb 1 oz., senna, coriander seeds, sweet fennel seeds, cochineal, saffron, and liquorice root, of each, a 1/4 oz., and of jar raisins 4 oz. Let the raisins be stoned, and all the ingredients be bruised. Put them into a quart of French brandy. Shake well every day for a fortnight. Take 1 table-spoonful, with peppermint, or plain water.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Receive the smoke of Turpentine cast on burning coals. This cures also the Bloody Flux and the Falling of the Fundament.
Or put a large brown Toast into three quarts of water, with a drachm of cochineal powdered, and a drachm of salt of wormwood. Drink it all in as short time as you conveniently can. This rarely fails to cure all Fluxes, Cholera Morbus, yea, and inflammations of the bowels. Tried.
Or take a spoonful of Plantane-seed bruised, morning and evening till it stops.
Or ten grains of Ipecacuanha, three mornings successively. It is likewise excellent as a sudorific.
Or boil four ounces of rasped Logwood, or fresh Logwood chips, in three quarts of water to two; strain it, and drink a quarter of a pint, sweetened with loaf-sugar warm, twice a day. It both binds and heals. Or take a small tea-cupful of it every hour.
Or boil the fat of a breast of mutton in a quart of water for an hour. Drink the broth as soon as you can conveniently. This will cure the most inveterate flux. Tried.
Source: Primitive Physic: or an easy and natural method of curing most diseases, John Wesley.
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bloody flux, bowels, cholera morbus, cochineal, fat, flux, fundament, ipecacuanha, loaf-sugar, logwood, mutton, plantain, plantane, sudorific, toast, turpentine, wormwood | Comment (0)