To Strengthen A Weak Voice
To eight ounces of water add one dram of tincture of cayenne. Gargle the throat frequently, especially before speaking or singing.
The following is also good: — Beeswax, two drams; copaiba balsam, three drams; powdered liquorice root, four drams. Melt the balsam with the wax in an earthen pipkin, remove it from the fire and mix in the powder. Make pills of three grains each. Two of the pills to be taken occasionally, three or four times a day.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: ballsam, beeswax, cayenne, copaiba balsam, licorice, liquorice, liquorice root, million, pipkin, tincture of cayenne, voice | Comment (0)Gout Cordial
Rhubarb 1 oz., senna, coriander seeds, sweet fennel seeds, cochineal, saffron, and liquorice root, of each, a 1/4 oz., and of jar raisins 4 oz. Let the raisins be stoned, and all the ingredients be bruised. Put them into a quart of French brandy. Shake well every day for a fortnight. Take 1 table-spoonful, with peppermint, or plain water.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett