Cure for Burns
One-third part linseed oil.
Two-thirds lime water.
Shake up well; apply and wrap in soft linen.
Until you can procure this keep the part covered with wood-soot mixed to a soft paste with lard, or, if you have not these, with common molasses.
Source: Common Sense in the Household, Marion Harland
Filed under Remedy | Tags: burn, burns, commonsense, lard, lime, lime water, linen, linseed, linseed oil, molasses, skin, soot, wood, wood-soot | Comment (0)To Make The Hair Glossy
Rub it night and morning with an old white silk handkerchief.
Source: Household Gas Cookery Book, Helen Edden
Cure for Rheumatism
2d opodeldoc, 2d turpentine, 1/2d vinegar, 2 fresh eggs well beaten up, mix with other ingredients and shake well. Rub the part affected for 2 hours when all the pain will vanish.
Source: Recipes, Bradford Lifeboat Bazaar
Ointment for Sunburn
Make a stiff paste with white Fuller’s earth, or good French chalk, and elder flower water. Let it remain on the face for a few minutes, then wash it off with hot rain water and apply a little cold cream.
Source: The Dudley Book of Cookery and Household Recipes, Georgiana Dudley
To Cure Corns
A little sweet oil rubbed in night and morning, if persevered in, will, after a fortnight, quite cure them.
Source: Household Gas Cookery Book, Helen Edden
A Good Hair Oil
Tincture of Spanish fly one ounce;
Oil of rosemary half an ounce;
Oil of thyme half an ounce;
Best castor oil four ounces;
Cologne water two ounces;
Mix well together.
Source: Household Recipes, Constance Hatton Hart
For Slight Burns
Hold the burned part quickly in white of egg broken in a saucer. This will prevent blistering and draw out the pain.
Source: Two Hundred and Fifty Recipes, Grace Church Sewing Circle
Tooth Powder
A half an ounce of cuttlefish bone; half an ounce of the finest prepared chalk; two drachms of Peruvian bark; two drachms of Florentine orris root. Reduce the whole to a fine powder and mix.
Source: The Kentucky Housewife, Mrs Peter A. White
Hair Lotion for Use After Illness
Spirit of ammonia, 1 1/2 oz.; glycerine, 1 1/2 oz.; oil of rosemary, 1/2 oz.; spirits of wine, 4 oz. To be applied at night with a small sponge.
Source: Still Room Cookery, C.S. Peel
A Good Tonic
2 drachms chloric ether, 2 drachms gentian tincture, 2 drachms sal volatile, 2 grains Iodide of Potassium; in 1 gill of water (gone cold after boiling). Dose: 1 tablespoonful three times a day, double dose if necessary.
Source: Recipes, Bradford Lifeboat Bazaar