Cure for Rheumatism
2d opodeldoc, 2d turpentine, 1/2d vinegar, 2 fresh eggs well beaten up, mix with other ingredients and shake well. Rub the part affected for 2 hours when all the pain will vanish.
Source: Recipes, Bradford Lifeboat Bazaar
A Good Tonic
2 drachms chloric ether, 2 drachms gentian tincture, 2 drachms sal volatile, 2 grains Iodide of Potassium; in 1 gill of water (gone cold after boiling). Dose: 1 tablespoonful three times a day, double dose if necessary.
Source: Recipes, Bradford Lifeboat Bazaar
Cough Mixture
1 oz syrup of squills, 1d paragoric, 1d laudanum, 1d oil of peppermint, 1d white wine vinegar; dissolve 1lb treacle in one gill hot water, when cold mix all together. Dose: for children 1 teaspoonful three times a day; for adults, one tablespoonful three times a day.
Source: Recipes, Bradford Lifeboat Bazaar