Chlorine Pastiles for Disinfecting the Breath
1. Dry chloride of lime, two drachms; sugar, eight ounces; starch, one ounce, gum tragacanth, one drachm; carmine, two grains. Form into small lozenges.
2. Sugar flavored with vanilla, 1 ounce; powdered tragacanth, 20 grains; liquid chloride of soda sufficient to mix; add two drops of any essential oil. Form a paste and divide into lozenges of 15 grains each.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
Filed under Remedy | Tags: blackie, breath, carmine, chloride of lime, chloride of soda, chlorine, essential oil, gum-tragacanth, lozenges, pastiles, pastilles, sugar, vanilla | Comment (0)Corns – A Sure Cure and Painless Eradication
Extract of Cannabis Indicus ten grs., Salicylic Acid 6 grs., Collodion one oz. Mix and apply with a camel’s hair pencil so as to form a thick covering over the corn for 3 or 4 nights. Take a hot foot bath and the corn can easily be removed with the aid of a knife.
Source: One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed, C. A. Bogardus
To correct a bad Taste and sourness in Wine
Put in a bag the root of wild horse-radish cut in bits. Let it down in the wine, and leave it there two days; take this out, and put another, repeating the same till the wine is perfectly restored. Or fill a bag with wheat; it will have the same effect.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
Anti-Bilious Pills
1. Compound extract of colocynth, 60 grains; rhubarb, 30 grains; soap, 10 grains. Make into 24 pills. Dose 2 to 4.
2. Compound extract of colocynth, 2 drachms; extract of rhubarb, half a drachm; soap, 10 grains. Mix, and divide into 40 pills. Dose, 1, 2, or 3.
3. Scammony, 10 to 15 grains; compound extract of colocynth, 2 scruples; extract of rhubarb, half a drachm; soap, 10 grains; oil of caraway, 5 drops. Make into 20 pills. Dose, 1 or 2, as required.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bile, bilious, blackie, caraway, colocynth, digestion, indigestion, oil of caraway, rhubarb, scammony, soap, stomach | Comment (0)Cough Compound
For the cure of coughs, colds, asthma, whooping cough and all diseases of the lungs; One spoonful of common tar, three spoonfuls of honey, the yolk of three hen’s eggs, and half a pint of wine; beat the tar, eggs and honey well together with a knife, and bottle for use. A teaspoonful every morning, noon and night, before eating.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
Camphor Tablet for Chapped Hands, etc.
Melt tallow, and add a little powdered camphor and glycerine, with a few drops of oil of almonds to scent. Pour in molds and cool.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
Pile Ointment
Powdered nutgall, two drachms; camphor, one drachm; melted wax, one ounce; tincture of opium, two drachms. Mix.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
A Sure Cure For Small Pox
A gentleman contributes to the Chicago News the following as a sure and never failing cure for small pox: One ounce Cream of Tartar dissolved in pint of boiling water, to be drank when cold at intervals. It can be taken at any time, and as a preventive as well as a curative. It is known to have cured in thousands of cases without a failure.
Source: One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed, C. A. Bogardus
Cure for Diarrhea
The following is said to be an excellent cure for the above distressing complaint: Laudanum, two ounces; spirits of camphor, two ounces; essence of peppermint, two ounces; Hoffman’s anodyne, two ounces; tincture of cayenne pepper, two drachms; tincture of ginger, one ounce. Mix all together. Dose, teaspoonful in a little water, or a half teaspoonful repeated in an hour afterward in a tablespoonful of brandy. This preparation, it is said, will check diarrhea in ten minutes, and abate other premonitory symptoms of cholera immediately. In cases of cholera, it has been used with great success to restore reaction by outward application.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
Whooping Cough
Mix a quarter of a pound of ground elecampane root in half a pint of strained honey and half a pint of water. Put them in a glazed earthen pot, and place it in a stone oven, with half the heat
required to bake bread. Let it bake until about the consistency of strained honey, and take it out. Administer in doses of a teaspoonful before each meal, to a child; if an adult, double the dose.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie