Anti-Bilious Pills
December 25th, 2018
1. Compound extract of colocynth, 60 grains; rhubarb, 30 grains; soap, 10 grains. Make into 24 pills. Dose 2 to 4.
2. Compound extract of colocynth, 2 drachms; extract of rhubarb, half a drachm; soap, 10 grains. Mix, and divide into 40 pills. Dose, 1, 2, or 3.
3. Scammony, 10 to 15 grains; compound extract of colocynth, 2 scruples; extract of rhubarb, half a drachm; soap, 10 grains; oil of caraway, 5 drops. Make into 20 pills. Dose, 1 or 2, as required.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bile, bilious, blackie, caraway, colocynth, digestion, indigestion, oil of caraway, rhubarb, scammony, soap, stomach | Comment (0)