The dried flowers of the common Camomile are sufficiently familiar to everyone. They are antispasmodic, carminative, and tonic, which render them very useful in dyspepsia and general debility. Camomile tea, as the infusion is generally called, is a most agreeable bitter, and is of almost universal use and acceptance. Taken warm it promotes the action of emetics. The flowers steeped in boilirg water are frequently used as fomentations for abscesses and inflamed parts, to promote suppuration and relieve pain; flannels dipped in the hot decoction answer the same purpose. Boiling water poured over the flowers is the proper way of preparing the tea. It is very wrong to boil them, as many are in the habit of doing, thinking to obtain a greater strength; but the contrary is the case — they lose the chief of their virtues, which consists of an essential oil, that passes off with the steam.
Camomiles, though simple, have great virtues; they are good for debility and loss of appetite, and drank warm at bedtime, are good for colds and to promote perspiration. Many chew these flowers to wean themselves of the beastly and destructive habit of chewing tobacco, for which it serves as a good substitute. We obtain them fresh every season from the growers, so that the quality may be depended on. In addition to the many excellent properties of these flowers, they have proved an efficient remedy for the stone and gravel; also for irritation of the bladder and urinary passages, pains and stitches in the side, etc. Outwardly applied, with poppy heads, they form one of the best fomentations for pains, inflammation, etc., and for almost every other purpose where a fomentation is necessary; it will also be found a valuable remedy to wash eyes that are weak, or where the sight is decaying. A scruple of the powder of camomile taken once every four hours, and continued for four days, cures the ague.
Source: Baldwin’s Herbal Guide To Health, G. Baldwin
Filed under Remedy | Tags: abscess, ague, antispasmodic, baldwin, bladder, camomile, carminative, colds, debility, dyspepsia, emetics, eyes, fomentation, perspiration, poppy heads, suppuration, tonic | Comment (0)Candied Lemon or Peppermint for Colds
Boil 1 1/2 pounds sugar in a half pint of water, till it begins to candy around the sides; put in 8 drops of essence; pour it upon buttered paper, and cut it with a knife.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
For a bad cold take a large tea-cupful of linseed, two pennyworth of stick liquorice, and a quarter of a pound of sun raisins. Put them into two quarts of water, and let it simmer over a slow fire till reduced one half. Then add a quarter of a pound of sugar-candy pounded, a table-spoonful of rum, and the same of lemon juice or vinegar. The rum and lemon juice are better added when the mixture is taken, or they are apt to grow flat. Take half a pint just warm at bed time.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
Mustard Bath for the Feet
It gives relief to a bad cold in the early stages, to soak the feet in warm water, in which you have put half a tea cup of salt and two tablespoonsful of pulverized mustard, and to drink ginger tea. You may keep your feet in the bath for half an hour, and then retire with a warm soap stone wrapped in a cloth and placed near them. A soap stone, the size of a brick will, when thoroughly heated, keep warm till morning, and is invaluable for an elderly person or one that suffers with cold feet.
Source: Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers, Elizabeth E. Lea
Medicinal Imperial
Useful in the Spring, or in slight Fevers, or Colds.
Pour 3 quarts of boiling water over 1 1/2 oz. of cream of tartar, 1 oz. Epsom salts, 3/4 lb. lump sugar, the peel of 3 lemons, and the juice of 1; cover close half an hour, then boil up, skim and strain it through thin muslin, into decanters.
A wine-glassful before breakfast.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Filed under Remedy | Tags: cobbett, cold, colds, cream of tartar, epsom salts, fever, lemon juice, lemon peel, lump sugar, medicinal imperial, muslin, spring, sugar | Comment (0)Mixture for a Cold
The juice of 1/2 a lemon
1/2 small teaspoonful sweet spirits of nitre
1 teaspoonful glycerine
A little honey
Put these ingredients into a tumbler and then fill 3 parts full of boiling water. Drink last thing at night.
Source: The Northampton Cookery Book, M.A. Jeffery
Filed under Remedy | Tags: cold, colds, glycerin, glycerine, honey, lemon, northampton, spirits of nitre | Comment (0)Flaxseed Lemonade
Pour one quart of boilmg water over four tablespoonfuls of whole flaxseed, and steep three hours. Strain and sweeten to taste, and add the juice of two lemons. Add a little more water if the liquid seems too thick. This is soothing in colds.
Source: The Universal Cookery Book, Gertrude Strohm
Bran Tea
Put a handful of bran in a pint and a half of cold water, boil it for an hour and three-quarters, then strain, and flavour with sugar and lemon juice. This is a very cheap and useful drink in colds, fevers, and restlessness from pain.
Source: Recipes for the Million
For A Cold And Cough
To 3 quarts of water, put 1/4 lb. linseed, two pennyworth stick liquorice, and 1/4 lb. sun raisins. Boil it, until the water be reduced half; add a spoonful of rum and of lemon juice. A 1/4 pint at bed time, and in smaller quantities, during the night, if the cough be troublesome.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Remedial Qualities of Common Fruits
A table giving the remedial qualities of the common fruits and vegetables is herewith appended: —
Celery for any form of rheumatism and nervous dyspepsia.
Lettuce for insomnia.
Water-cress for scurvy.
Onions are almost the best nervine known. Use for insomnia, for coughs and colds, and as a complexion curer. Eaten every other day, they soon have a clearing and whitening effect on the complexion.
Spinach for gravel.
Asparagus to induce perspiration.
Carrots for suffering from asthma.
Turnips for nervous disorders and for scurvy.
Raw beef proves of great benefit to persons of frail constitution, and to those suffering from consumption. It is chopped fine, seasoned with salt, and heated by placing it in a dish in hot water. It assimilates rapidly and affords the best nourishment.
Eggs contain a large amount of nutriment in a compact quickly available form. Beaten up raw with sugar they are used to clear and strengthen the voice. With sugar and lemon juice the beaten white of egg is used to relieve hoarseness.
Cranberries for erysipelas are used externally as well as internally.
Cranberries eaten raw are one of the finest tonics and appetizers known.
In cases of yellow or typhoid fever, cranberries are almost indispensable as a tonic and to assist in clearing the system of the harmful bacteria.
For some forms of dyspepsia there is no more simple and effective remedy than raw cranberries. Carry a supply in the pocket and eat them frequently during the day. They will cure headache as well.
People who are subject to biliousness will find that with cranberries a part of each day’s food they will be free from such attacks.
Honey is wholesome, strengthening, cleansing, healing and nourishing.
Fresh ripe fruits are excellent for purifying the blood and toning up the system.
Sour oranges are highly recommended for rheumatism.
Watermelon for epilepsy and for yellow fever.
Lemons for feverish thirst in sickness, biliousness, low fevers, rheumatism, colds, coughs, liver complaints, etc.
Blackberries for diarrhoea.
Tomatoes are a powerful aperient for the liver, a sovereign remedy for dyspepsia and for indigestion.
Tomatoes are invaluable in all conditions in which the use of calomel is indicated.
Figs are aperient and wholesome. They are said to be valuable as a food for those suffering from cancer. They are used externally as well as internally.
Bananas are useful as a food for those suffering from chronic diarrhoea.
Pie-plant is wholesome and aperient; is excellent for rheumatic sufferers and useful for purifying the blood.
Peanuts for indigestion. They are especially recommended for corpulent diabetes. Peanuts are made into a wholesome and nutritious soup, are browned and used as a coffee, are eaten as a relish simply baked, or are prepared and served as salted almonds.
Apples are useful in nervous dyspepsia; they are nutritious, medicinal and vitalizing; they aid digestion, clear the voice, correct the acidity of the stomach, are valuable in rheumatism, insomnia, and liver trouble. An apple contains as much nutriment as a potato, in a pleasanter, more wholesome form.
Grapes dissolve and dislodge gravel and calculi, and bring the stomach and bowels to a healthy condition.
Ripe pineapples have been put upon the list of foods especially healthful for persons troubled with indigestion, the juice being especially valuable in such cases. Shred with a silver fork, and reject all the indigestible core. The juice of a ripe pineapple is an almost invaluable remedy for diphtheria, the acid seeming to dissolve the strangling growth in the throat.
Source: The Canadian Family Cookbook, Grace E. Denison
Filed under Remedy | Tags: aperient, apples, asparagus, asthma, bananas, beef, biliousness, blackberries, bowels, calculi, calomel, carrots, celery, colds, complexion, consumption, coughs, cranberries, cranberry, denison, diarrhoea, digestion, diphtheria, dyspepsia, eggs, erisyphelas, fever, figs, grapes, gravel, headache, hoarseness, honey, indigestion, insomnia, lemon, lemons, lettuce, liver, nervine, nervous dyspepsia, onion, oranges, peanuts, perspiration, pie-plant, pineapple, rheumatism, rhubarb, scurvy, sickness, skin, spinach, stomach, sweating, throat, tomatoes, tonic, turnips, typhoid fever, voice, watercress, watermelon, yellow fever | Comment (0)