Gentle exercise and rubbing the parts affected, are highly proper in this complaint, and the tepid bath has often procured considerable relief. The patient ought to live in a warm dry place, not expose himself to cold or damp air, and wear flannel next the skin. Vegetable acids, such as vinegar, the juice of lemons and oranges, diluted with water, should be drank in preference to wine or spirits, either of which are generally hurtful. The diet should be light and nourishing, easy of digestion, and taken in moderation. Horseradish, onions and garlic, may be used instead of foreign spices; but tea, coffee, and punch, are alike improper.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
In this complaint the diet should be nourishing, with a little generous wine; costiveness must be carefully avoided. The painful part should be kept warm with flannel, should be frequently rubbed, occasionally electrified, and supplied with the volatile liniment. Blisters, cataplasms of mustard or horseradish, may be applied with advantage.
If these be not effectual, take a pint of the spirits of turpentine, and add half an ounce of camphor. Let it stand till the camphor is dissolved, then rub it on the part affected night and morning, and it will seldom fail to afford effectual relief. This mixture is also very proper for sprains and bruises, and should be kept for family use.
But several of our own domestic plants as above may be used with advantage in the rheumatism. One of the best is the white mustard. A table-spoonful of the seed of this plant may be taken twice or thrice a day, in a glass of water or small wine. The water trefoil is likewise of great use in this complaint. It may be infused in wine or ale, or drunk in the form of tea. The ground-ivy, camomile, and several other bitters, are also beneficial, and may be used in the same manner. No benefit, however, is to be expected from these, unless they be taken for a considerable time.
Cold bathing, especially in salt water, often cures the rheumatism. It is also advisable to take exercise, and wear flannel next the skin. Issues are likewise very proper, especially in chronic cases. If the pain affects the shoulders, an issue may be made in the arm; but if it affects the loins, it should be put into the leg or thigh. Such as are subject to frequent attacks of the rheumatism ought to make choice of a dry, warm situation, to avoid the night air, wet clothes, and wet feet, as much as possible. Their clothing should be warm, and they should wear flannel next their skin, and make frequent use of the flesh brush.
One of the best articles of dress, not only for the prevention of rheumatism, but for powerful co-operation in its cure, is fleecy hosiery. In low marshy situations, the introduction of that manufacture has prevented more rheumatisms, colds, and agues, than all the medicines ever used there. Such of the inhabitants of marshy counties as are in easy circumstances, could not, perhaps, direct their charity and humanity to a better object than to the supplying their poor neighbours with so cheap and simple a preservative.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
Filed under Remedy | Tags: ale, blisters, bruises, camomile, camphor, cataplasms, chamomile, eaton, flannel, fleecy hosiery, flesh brush, ground ivy, horseradish, liniment, mustard, rheumatism, salt water, small wine, spirits of turpentine, sprains, water trefoil, white mustard, wine | Comment (0)For Dropsy
Put a quarter of a pound of cream of tartar, and a pound of new nails, in a stone jug, with half a gallon of water, let it stand three or four days, occasionally shaking it; take a table spoonful three times a day, on an empty stomach, and half an hour after each dose, take two spoonsful of mustard seed or scraped horse-radish. If the swelling abates, you may take the medicine less frequently, or omit every other day, but do not leave it off until you are entirely cured. After it has stood some time, it becomes stronger, when you may put in more water. This has been highly recommended for the dropsy.
Source: Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers, Elizabeth E. Lea
An infusion of horseradish in milk, makes one of the safest and best washes for the skin; or the fresh juice of houseleek, mixed with an equal quantity of new milk or cream. Honey water made rather thick, so as to form a kind of varnish on the skin, is a useful application in frosty weather, when the skin is liable to be chipped; and if it occasions any irritation or uneasiness, a little fine flour or pure hair powder should be dusted on the hands or face. A more elegant wash may be made of four ounces of potash, four ounces of rose water, and two of lemon juice, mixed in two quarts of water. A spoonful or two of this mixture put into the basin, will scent and soften the water intended to be used.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
The sinapism is a poultice made of vinegar instead of milk, and rendered warm and stimulating by the addition of mustard, horseradish, or garlic. The common sinapism is made of equal quantities of bread crumbs and mustard, a sufficient quantity of strong vinegar, and mixing all together into a poultice. When a sinapism is required to be more stimulating, a little bruised garlic may be added. Sinapisms are employed to recal the blood and spirits to a weak part, as in the case of palsy; they are also of service in deep-seated pains, as in the case of sciatica. When the gout seizes the head or stomach, they are applied to the feet to bring the disorder down, and are likewise applied to the soles of the feet in a low state of fever. They should not be suffered to lie on till they have raised blisters, but till the parts become red, and will continue so when pressed with the finger.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
Wash for the Skin
An infusion of horse-radish in milk, or the fresh juice of house leek, are both good.
Honey water, very thick, is good in frosty weather.
Also, a wash made of 4 oz. potash, 4 oz. rose water, and 2 oz. lemon juice, mixed with 2 quarts of water; pour 2 table-spoonsful in a bason of water.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Filed under Remedy | Tags: cobbett, honey, honey water, horse-radish, horseradish, house leek, lemon juice, milk, potash, rose water, skin, wash | Comment (0)To Remedy A Sluggish Liver
Boil two ounces of freshly-sliced dandelion root in two pints of water until the liquor is reduced to one pint, then add one ounce of compound tincture of horse-radish. Use occasionally.
Or, take occasionally ten minims of tincture of rhubarb, ten grains of bicarbonate of soda, and twenty grains of Epsom salts, in a wineglassful of water.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bicarbonate of soda, dandelion, dandelion root, epsom salts, horse-radish, horseradish, liver, million, rhubarb, sluggish liver, tincture of rhubarb | Comment (0)Mustard Whey, for Dropsy and for Rheumatism
Boil 1 1/2 oz. bruised mustard seed, in a quart of milk and water, till the curd which forms is separated. Strain it and take a tea-cupful three times a day.
Another for Rheumatism: A handful of scraped horse-radish, and a table-spoonful of whole mustard seed, infused in a bottle of Madeira; the longer the better. A wine-glassful in bed at night, and another before the patient rises.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Filed under Remedy | Tags: cobbett, dropsy, horseradish, madeira, milk, mustard, mustard seed, rheumatism, whey | Comment (0)To correct a bad Taste and sourness in Wine
Put in a bag the root of wild horse-radish cut in bits. Let it down in the wine, and leave it there two days; take this out, and put another, repeating the same till the wine is perfectly restored. Or fill a bag with wheat; it will have the same effect.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
To Remove Freckles
The following lotion is highly recommended: One ounce of lemon juice, a quarter of a drachm of powdered borax, and half a drachm of sugar; mix in a bottle, and allow them to stand a few days, when the liquor should be rubbed occasionally on the hands and face. Another application is: Friar’s balsam one part, rose-water twenty parts.
Powdered nitre moistened with water and applied to the face night and morning, is said to remove freckles without injury to the skin.
Also, a tablespoonful of freshly grated horse-radish, stirred into a cupful of sour milk; let it stand for twelve hours, then strain and apply often. This bleaches the complexion also, and takes off tan.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: borax, complexion, face, freckles, friar's balsam, horse-radish, horseradish, lemon, lemon juice, milk, nitre, rosewater, skin, sour milk, sugar, tan, whitehouse | Comment (0)