To Remedy A Sluggish Liver
Boil two ounces of freshly-sliced dandelion root in two pints of water until the liquor is reduced to one pint, then add one ounce of compound tincture of horse-radish. Use occasionally.
Or, take occasionally ten minims of tincture of rhubarb, ten grains of bicarbonate of soda, and twenty grains of Epsom salts, in a wineglassful of water.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bicarbonate of soda, dandelion, dandelion root, epsom salts, horse-radish, horseradish, liver, million, rhubarb, sluggish liver, tincture of rhubarb | Comment (0)A Remedy for Moth or Hepatic Spots
They are a sign of deep seated disease of the liver. Taraxacum, the extract of dandelion root, is the standing remedy for this, and the usual prescription is a large pill four nights in a week, some times for months. To this may be added the free use of tomatoes, figs, mustard-seed, and all seedy fruits and vegetables, with light boiled meats, and no bread but that of coarse flour. Pastry, puddings of most sorts, and fried food of all kinds must be dispensed with by persons having a tendency to this disease. It may take six weeks or even months to make any visible impression on either the health or the moth patches, but success will come at last. One-third of a teaspoonful of chlorate of soda in a wine-glass of water, taken in three doses before meals, will aid the recovery by neutralizing morbid matters in the stomach. There is no sure cosmetic that will reach the moth patches. Such treatment as described, such exercise as is tempting in itself, and gay society, will restore one to conditions of health in which the extinction of these blotches is certain.
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook