Persons subject to this complaint, being generally attacked in the night, should have a board fixed at the bottom of the bed, against which the foot should be strongly pressed when the pain commences. This will seldom fail to afford relief. When it is more obstinate, a brick should be heated, wrapped in a flannel bag at the bottom of the bed, and the foot placed against it. The brick will continue warm, and prevent a return of the complaint. No remedy however is more safe or more certain than that of rubbing the affected part, to restore a free circulation. If the cramp attack the stomach or bowels, it is attended with considerable danger: medicine may relieve but cannot cure. All hot and stimulating liquors must be carefully avoided, and a tea-cupful of lukewarm gruel or camomile tea should be frequently given, with ten or fifteen drops of deliquidated salt of tartar in each.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
For Dropsy
Put a quarter of a pound of cream of tartar, and a pound of new nails, in a stone jug, with half a gallon of water, let it stand three or four days, occasionally shaking it; take a table spoonful three times a day, on an empty stomach, and half an hour after each dose, take two spoonsful of mustard seed or scraped horse-radish. If the swelling abates, you may take the medicine less frequently, or omit every other day, but do not leave it off until you are entirely cured. After it has stood some time, it becomes stronger, when you may put in more water. This has been highly recommended for the dropsy.
Source: Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers, Elizabeth E. Lea
Cream Tartar Whey
Warm a pint of fresh milk, when scalding hot, stir in a teaspoonful of cream tartar, and if this does not turn it, add more, till it does. Strain it, and sweeten with loaf sugar. Those who cannot eat wine whey can eat this without trouble, and it is good in fevers.
Source: Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book, Catherine Beecher
For Chapped Hands
Mix 1/3 pint double distilled rose water, 1/2 oz. oil of almonds and 7 grains salt of tartar.– Or: yolks of 3 eggs, 3 table-spoonsful honey, 4 table-spoonsful brandy, and 4 sweet almonds, pounded. — Or: dissolve a tea-spoonful of pulverised borax in a tea-cupful of boiling soft water, add a tea-spoonful of honey, and mix well together. After washing, wipe the hands very dry, and put the mixture on with a feather.– Oil of Almonds or spermaceti rubbed on at night are soft and healing.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
An Excellent Cough Remedy
Twenty grains tartar emetic;
Forty grains pulverised opium;
Four ounces sweet spirits of nitre;
Two ounces of liquorice;
Twelve tablespoons of honey and one pint of whiskey.
For an adult one dessert-spoonful three times a day, at night, when the cough is troublesome, take the same proportions; for children a teaspoonful and so on according to the age.
Source: Household Recipes, Constance Hatton Hart
Filed under Remedy | Tags: cough, emetic, hart, honey, liquorice, nitre, opium, spirits of nitre, tartar, whiskey | Comment (0)Feuchtwanger’s Tooth Paste
Powdered myrrh, two ounces; burnt alum, one ounce; cream tartar, one ounce; cuttlefish bone, four ounces: drop lake, two ounces; honey, half a gallon; mix.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
A Sure Cure for Piles
Confection of Senna, two ozs., Cream of Tartar one oz., Sulphur one oz., Syrup of Ginger, enough to make a stiff paste; mix. A piece as large as a nut is to be taken as often as necessary to keep the bowels open. One of the best remedies known.
Source: One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed, C. A. Bogardus
Simple Means of Removing Tartar from the Teeth
In these summer months, tartar may be effectually removed from the teeth, by partaking daily of strawberries.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
To Remove Tartar from the Teeth
1st. The use of the tooth-brush night and morning, and, at least, rinsing the mouth after every meal at which animal food is taken. 2nd. Once daily run the brush lightly two or three times over soap, then dip it in salt, and with it clean the teeth, working the brush up and down rather than–or as well as–backwards and forwards. This is a cheap, safe, and effectual dentrifice. 3rd. Eat freely of common cress, the sort used with mustard, under the name of small salad; it must be eaten with salt only. If thus used two or three days in succession it will effectually loosen tartar, even of long standing. The same effect is produced, though perhaps not in an equal degree, by eating strawberries and raspberries, especially the former. A leaf of common green sage rubbed on the teeth is useful both in cleansing and polishing, and probably many other common vegetable productions also.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
A Good Shampoo
Take one bar of cocoanut soap. Shave into a gallon of rain water. Put on the stove until it comes to a boil; then turn the gas low and let simmer fifteen minutes. Before taking off the stove add ten cents’ worth of cream of tartar.
Source: 1001 Household Hints, Ottilie V. Ames