To Make The Complexion Fair
Take emulsion of bitter almonds, one pint; oxymuriate of quicksilver, two and a half grains; sal ammonia, one drachm. Use moderately for pimples, freckles, tanned complexions.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
To Remove Sunburn
Squeeze the juice of a lemon into a small teacupful of new milk. Allow it to curdle. Apply it to the face and throat with a piece of cotton wool, after having been out in the sun, or the last thing at night. Allow it to remain on the skin for a short time then wash it off with tepid soft water. This will remove all heat and tan from the skin.
Source: The Dudley Book of Cookery and Household Recipes, Georgiana Dudley
Cure for Pimples
One teaspoonful of carbolic acid and one pint of rose-water mixed is an excellent remedy for pimples. Bathe the skin thoroughly and often, but do not let the wash get into the eyes.
This wash is soothing to mosquito bites, and irritations of the skin of every nature.
It is advisable, in order to clear the complexion permanently, to cleanse the blood; then the wash would be of advantage.
To obtain a good complexion, a person’s diet should receive the first attention. Greasy food, highly spiced soups, hot bread and butter, meats or game, rich gravies, alcoholic liquors, coffee — all are injurious to the complexion. Strong tea used daily will after a time give the skin the color and appearance of leather. Coffee affects the nerves more, but the skin less, and a healthy nervous system is necessary to beauty. Eating between meals, late suppers, over-eating at meals, eating sweetmeats, candies, etc., all these tend to disorder the blood, producing pimples and blotches.
Washing of the face or skin is another consideration for a good complexion; it should be thoroughly washed in plenty of luke-warm water with some mild soap — then rinsed in clear water well; dry with a thick soft towel. If suds are left or wiped off the skin, the action of the air and sun will tan the surface, and permanently deface the complexion; therefore one should be sure to thoroughly rinse off all soap from the skin to avoid the tanning, which will leave a brown or yellow tinge impossible to efface.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bites, blood, blotches, candies, carbolic acide, coffee, complexion, diet, face, irritation, mosquito, pimple, pimples, rosewater, skin, soap, spot, spots, tan, tea, wash, whitehouse | Comment (0)To Remove Freckles
The following lotion is highly recommended: One ounce of lemon juice, a quarter of a drachm of powdered borax, and half a drachm of sugar; mix in a bottle, and allow them to stand a few days, when the liquor should be rubbed occasionally on the hands and face. Another application is: Friar’s balsam one part, rose-water twenty parts.
Powdered nitre moistened with water and applied to the face night and morning, is said to remove freckles without injury to the skin.
Also, a tablespoonful of freshly grated horse-radish, stirred into a cupful of sour milk; let it stand for twelve hours, then strain and apply often. This bleaches the complexion also, and takes off tan.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: borax, complexion, face, freckles, friar's balsam, horse-radish, horseradish, lemon, lemon juice, milk, nitre, rosewater, skin, sour milk, sugar, tan, whitehouse | Comment (0)To Whiten The Skin and Remove Freckles and Tan
Bathe three times a day in a preparation of three quarts water, one quart alcohol, two ounces of cologne and one of borax, in proportion of two teaspoons mixture to two tablespoons soft water.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Useful Information