Ammoniacal Pomatum for Promoting the Growth of Hair
Take almond oil, quarter of a pound; white wax, half an ounce; clarified lard, three ounces; liquid ammonia, a quarter fluid ounce; otto of lavender, and cloves, of each one drachm. Place the oil, wax and lard in a jar, which set in boiling water; when the wax is melted, allow the grease to cool till nearly ready to set, then stir in the ammonia and the perfume, and put into small jars for use. Never use a hard brush, nor comb the hair too much. Apply the pomade at night only.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
To Prevent Hair Falling Off
Wet the head occasionally in salt and water, and the hair will cease falling off.
Source: Household Gas Cookery Book, Helen Edden
Hair Lotion for Use After Illness
Spirit of ammonia, 1 1/2 oz.; glycerine, 1 1/2 oz.; oil of rosemary, 1/2 oz.; spirits of wine, 4 oz. To be applied at night with a small sponge.
Source: Still Room Cookery, C.S. Peel
Hair Tonic for Weak and Falling Hair
Hydrochlorate of ammonia, 2 drams; spirit of juniper, 20 drops; tincture of cantharides, 1 oz.; rectified spirits of wine, 2 oz.; camphor water, 3/4 pint. To be applied once a day.
Source: Still Room Cookery, C.S. Peel
A Hair Tonic
Scald two ounces of black tea in one gallon of boiling water; add three ounces of glycerine, one quart of bay rum and half an ounce of the tincture of cantharides; scald for five minutes longer; strain and bottle. This will prevent the hair from falling out, and at the same time will stimulate a new and healthy growth.
Source: The Kentucky Housewife, Mrs Peter A. White
Hair Invigorator
Bay rum two pints, alcohol one pint, castor oil one ounce, carb. ammonia half an ounce, tincture of cantharides one ounce. Mix them well. This compound will promote the growth of the hair and prevent it from falling out.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette