Ammoniacal Pomatum for Promoting the Growth of Hair
Take almond oil, quarter of a pound; white wax, half an ounce; clarified lard, three ounces; liquid ammonia, a quarter fluid ounce; otto of lavender, and cloves, of each one drachm. Place the oil, wax and lard in a jar, which set in boiling water; when the wax is melted, allow the grease to cool till nearly ready to set, then stir in the ammonia and the perfume, and put into small jars for use. Never use a hard brush, nor comb the hair too much. Apply the pomade at night only.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
Hints to Young Ladies (II)
Never use a fine comb to the head, but keep the scalp clean with a solution of ammonia and water, used several times a week, and then give the head a thorough brushing afterwards. A child’s head especially is too tender for the use of a fine comb. The proportions are two or three spoonfuls to a basin of water. Apply with a brush and dry well with a soft towel.
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook
A Simple and Harmless Hair Dye
“It is said that the water in which potatoes have been boiled with the skins on forms a speedy and harmless dye for the hair and eyebrows. The pareings of potatoes before cooking may be boiled by themselves, and the water strained off for use. To apply it the shoulders should be covered with cloths to protect the dress and a fine comb dipped in the water drawn through the hair, wetting it at each stroke, until the head is thoroughly soaked. Let the hair dry thoroughly before putting it up. If the result is not satisfactory the first time, repeat the wetting with a sponge, taking care not to discolor the skin of the brow and neck. No hesitation need be felt about trying this, for potato-water is a safe article used in the household in a variety of ways. It relieves chilblains if the feet are soaked in it while the water is hot, and is said to ease rheumatic gout.”
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook
Hair Dye
Nitric acid, one part ; nitrate of silver, ten parts ; sap green, nine parts ; powdered gum arabic, two parts ; water, three hundred parts ; essence musii, one or two drops to each bottle. Mix. In all cases, first free the hair from grease, by soap and water. All hair dyes must be applied by means of moistening a comb with them, and passing it through the hair, observing not to touch the skin with the dye.
Source: Valuable Receipts, J.M. Prescott