Milk Of Almonds
Blanch 4 ounces of Jordan almonds, dry them with a towel, and then pound them in a mortar; add 2 drachms of white or curd soap, and rub it up with the almonds for about ten minutes or rather more, gradually adding one quart of rose-water, until the whole is well mixed, then strain through a fine piece of muslin, and bottle for use.
This is an excellent remedy for freckles and sunburns, and may be used as a general cosmetic, being applied to the skin after washing by means of the corner of a soft towel.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
Filed under Remedy | Tags: almonds, cosmetic, curd soap, face, freckles, hartley, jordan almonds, muslin, rose water, skin, soap, sunburn, towel, white soap | Comment (0)Sleeplessness, To Avert
Various methods have been devised to accomplish this much desired end, but perhaps the following will be found the most effectual, the first especially when the evil results from over-excitement of the brain : — Wet half a towel, and apply it to the back of the neck, pressing it upwards towards the base of the brain, and fastening the dry half of the towel over so as to prevent too rapid exhalation. Warm water may be used, but cold is to be preferred. The effect is rapid, cooling to the brain, and inducing sweeter, calmer repose than any narcotic.
Another method, which the writer has never known to fail, is to lie with the eyes turned up into the head, as though looking into the brain, which is their natural position during sleep.
A pillow stuffed with hops is said to act as a narcotic.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: cold water, hops, insomnia, million, pillow, sleep, sleeplessness, towel, water | Comment (0)Turpentine Applications
Refined turpentine is often very valuable in the sick-room. In cases of inflammation of the bowels, kidneys, or bladder, and of congestion of the lungs, a turpentine application often will relieve the most intense pain. Indeed, this remedy is good and safe for almost any pain that can be reached by external applications.
There are two ways of using the applications. When the turpentine is to remain on the patient for a long time, mix it with lard, and spread the mixture on flannel. Lay this on the seat of pain. It may be kept on for several hours. Use a tablespoonful of spirits of turpentine to half a pint of lard. If the pain be intense, two or three tablespoonfuls of turpentine may be used.
Another method is to wring flannel out of hot water, sprinkle the turpentine on this, and lay the flannel on the seat of pain. Cover with a dry flannel, and upon this lay a soft towel. Use a teaspoonful of turpentine for a surface about a foot square. In case of great pain even more turpentine may be required. Few patients can endure this hot application more than twenty minutes or half an hour. When the flannel is removed cover the inflamed part with a piece of soft linen.
If the pain come from gas in the stomach or bowels, put eight or ten drops of spirits of turpentine on a lump of sugar and let the patient eat this. Turpentine is very good to give in this way whenever there is bloating of the bowels from an accumulation of gas.
Source: Miss Parloa’s Young Housekeeper, Maria Parloa
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bladder, bowels, flannel, gas, kidneys, lard, linen, lungs, parloa, towel, turpentine | Comment (0)A Useful Lotion for the Hands
…which may be kept in the bathroom or upon the washstand, is made with equal parts of glycerine and rubra lotion (tincture of lavender and zinc). Mix the two together in a bottle and rub a few drops into the hands after washing, but before drying them upon the towel.
Another similar lotion is made by mixing equal quantities of glycerine, rosewater and hazeline.
Rub in a few drops after washing when the hands are partly dried.
Source: Household Management, E. Stoddard Eckford & M.S. Fitzgerald
Filed under Remedy | Tags: eckford, glycerin, glycerine, hand, hands, hazeline, lavender, lotion, rose water, rubra, towel, zinc | Comment (0)Anti-Freckle Lotion
Take tincture of benzoin, 2 ounces; tincture of tolu, 1 ounce; oil of rosemary, 1/2 a drachm. Mix well and bottle. When required to be used, add a teaspoonful of the mixture to about a wine-glassful of water, and apply the lotion to the face or hands, &c., night and morning, carefully rubbing it in with a soft towel.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
To Remove Black Specks or ‘Fleshworms’
Sometimes little black specks appear about the base of the nose, or on the forehead, or in the hollow of the chin which are called ‘fleshworms,’ and are occasioned by coagulated lymph that obstructs the pores of the skin. They may be squeezed out by pressing the skin, and ignorant persons suppose them to be little worms. They are permanently removed by washing with warm water, and severe friction with a towel, and then applying a little of the following preparation:–
Liquor of potassa 1 oz.
Cologne 2 oz.
White brandy. 4 oz.
The warm water and friction alone are sometimes sufficient.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
Filed under Remedy | Tags: blackhead, brandy, cologne, face, fleshworms, forehead, hartley, lymph, nose, potassa, skin, towel | Comment (0)Salt Tonic
When you come in from a long, tiresome walk, try giving the feet a hot footbath of salt water, while you sip a cup of warm milk with a pinch of salt in it. A daily bath of salt water or a rub from a salt towel will prove wonders for nervous people.
Source: 1001 Household Hints, Ottilie V. Ames
Uses of Ammonia
All housekeepers should keep a bottle of liquid ammonia, as it is the most powerful and useful agent for cleaning silks, stuffs and hats, in fact cleans everything it touches. A few drops of ammonia in water will take off grease from dishes, pans, etc., and does not injure the hands as much as the use of soda and strong chemical soaps. A spoonful in a quart of warm water for cleaning paint makes it look like new, and so with everything that needs cleaning.
Spots on towels and hosiery will disappear with little trouble if a little ammonia is put into enough water to soak the articles, and they are left in it an hour or two before washing; and if a cupful is put into the water in which clothes are soaked the night before washing, the ease with which the articles can be washed, and their great whiteness and clearness when dried, will be very gratifying. Remembering the small sum paid for three quarts of ammonia of common strength, one can easily see that no bleaching preparation can be more cheaply obtained.
No articles in kitchen use are so likely to be neglected and abused as the dish-cloth and dish-towels; and in washing these, ammonia, if properly used, is a greater comfort than anywhere else. Put a teaspoonful into the water in which these cloths are, or should be, washed everyday; rub soap on the towels. Put them in the water; let them stand half an hour or so; then rub them out thoroughly, rinse faithfully, and dry outdoors in clear air and sun, and dish-cloths and towels need never look gray and dingy–a perpetual discomfort to all housekeepers.
A dark carpet often looks dusty soon after it has been swept, and you know it does not need sweeping again; so wet a cloth or a sponge, wring it almost dry, and wipe off the dust. A few drops of ammonia in the water will brighten the colors.
For cleaning hair-brushes it is excellent; put a tablespoonful into the water, having it only tepid, and dip up and down until clean; then dry with the brushes down and they will be like new ones.
When employed in washing anything that is not especially soiled, use the waste water afterward for the house plants that are taken down from their usual position and immersed in the tub of water. Ammonia is a fertilizer, and helps to keep healthy the plants it nourishes. In every way, in fact, ammonia is the housekeeper’s friend.
Ammonia is not only useful for cleaning, but as a household medicine. Half a teaspoonful taken in half a tumbler of water is far better for faintness than alcoholic stimulants. In the Temperance Hospital in London, it is used with the best results. It was used freely by Lieutenant Greely’s Arctic party for keeping up circulation. It is a relief in nervousness, headache and heart disturbances.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: alcohol, ammonia, bleach, carpet, circulation, clean, cleaning, faintness, grease, hair, hair brush, hand, hands, headache, heart, heart disturbance, nervousness, silk, skin, soap, soda, towel, towels, whitehouse | Comment (0)Another Remedy for Scarlet Fever
Undress the child and put it to bed at the very first sign of sickness. Give it, if it has already fever, sourish warm lemonade, with some gum arabic in it. Then cover the abdomen with some dry flannel. Take a well-folded bed-sheet and put it in boiling hot water ; wring it out by means of dry towels, and put this over the whole and wait. The hot cloth will perhaps require repeated heating, according to the severity of the case and its stage of progress. Perspiration will commence in the child in from ten minutes to two hours. The child then is saved ; it soon falls to sleep. Soon after the child awakes it shows slight symptoms of returning inclination for food ; if necessary give injections of oil, or soap and water, and its recovery will be as steady as the growth of a green-house plant if well treated. If the above treatment is applied in due time under the eyes and direction of a competent physician, it is said that not one in a hundred children will ever die of scarlet fever.
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook
Hints to Young Ladies (II)
Never use a fine comb to the head, but keep the scalp clean with a solution of ammonia and water, used several times a week, and then give the head a thorough brushing afterwards. A child’s head especially is too tender for the use of a fine comb. The proportions are two or three spoonfuls to a basin of water. Apply with a brush and dry well with a soft towel.
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook