Lotions for Ringworm
Sulphate of zinc, two scruples; sugar of lead, fifteen grains; water, six ounces. Wash the parts two or three times a day.
Or: paint the rings with black writing ink.
Tincture of iodine, applied with a feather, is considered to be a speedy cure.
Another good remedy is two drams of muriated tincture of steel (steel drops) mixed with four tablespoonfuls of soft water. Bathe with it night and morning, and let a little of the lotion dry on.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: feather, ink, iodine, lead, lotion, lotions, million, ringworm, steel, sugar of lead, sulphate of zinc, tincture of iodine, tincture of steel, writing ink, zinc | Comment (0)Blotched Face, Wash for a
Mix three ounces of rose-water with one dram of sulphate of zinc. Wet the face with it, dry gently, and rub on some cold cream, which also wipe gently off.
Source: Recipes for the Million
For Healing Spots on the Face
Take of oxide of zinc, 2 drams; calamine powder, 2 drams; glycerine, 2 drams; bisulphide of mercury, 2 grains; rose water, 2 oz. Paint on with a camelhair brush at night.
Source: Still Room Cookery, C.S. Peel
Eye Lotions
- Dissolve 100 grs of boric acid in 6 oz water.
- Add one teaspoonful Condy’s fluid to 10 oz water.
- Dissolve 30 grs alum and 10 grs sulphate of zinc in 10 oz water.
- Goulard water.
- Cold tea. Useful in cases of slight inflammation.
Source: The Complete Household Adviser
For Chilblains
Ointment for broken chilblains may be prepared as follows:
2 oz benzoated lard
1/2 oz oxide of zinc
1 drachm carbolic acid crystals
5 drachms almond oil
Dissolve the crystals in the oil, standing the jar in hot water; add the lard, and when melted stir in the zinc powder. Stir till the mixture begins to set, then put into jars. Apply with lint every night and morning until relief is obtained.
Source: Household Management, E. Stoddard Eckford & M.S. Fitzgerald
Filed under Remedy | Tags: almond oil, benzoated lard, carbolic acid, chilblain, eckford, lard, lint, oxide of zinc, zinc, zinc oxide | Comment (0)A Useful Lotion for the Hands
…which may be kept in the bathroom or upon the washstand, is made with equal parts of glycerine and rubra lotion (tincture of lavender and zinc). Mix the two together in a bottle and rub a few drops into the hands after washing, but before drying them upon the towel.
Another similar lotion is made by mixing equal quantities of glycerine, rosewater and hazeline.
Rub in a few drops after washing when the hands are partly dried.
Source: Household Management, E. Stoddard Eckford & M.S. Fitzgerald
Filed under Remedy | Tags: eckford, glycerin, glycerine, hand, hands, hazeline, lavender, lotion, rose water, rubra, towel, zinc | Comment (0)Poison Water
Water boiled in galvanized iron becomes poisonous, and cold water passed through zinc-lined iron pipes should never be used for cooking or drinking. Hot water for cooking should never be taken from hot water pipes; keep a supply heated in kettles.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Mac’s Pile Ointment
Gum Camphor 2 drams.
Citrine Ointment 3 drams.
Oxide of Zinc 2 drams.
Powdered Opium 1 dram.
Powdered Galls 1 dram.
Tannic Acid 1/2 dram.
Vaseline to make 2 ounces.
I have put up above for hundreds of sufferers, and have never known a case where great relief has not been experienced, and almost invariably a complete cure wrought.
Source: Tested Formulas and Useful House and Farm Recipes, T. Kenny
Filed under Remedy | Tags: citrine, galls, gum, gum camphor, kenny, ointment, opium, pile, piles, tannic acid, vaseline, zinc, zinc oxide | Comment (0)Eye-Washes
The best eye-wash for granulated lids and inflammation of the eyes is composed of camphor, borax and morphine, in the following proportions: To a large wine-glass of camphor water–not spirits–add two grains of morphine and six grains of borax. Pour a few drops into the palm of the hand, and hold the eye in it, opening the lid as much as possible. Do this three or four times in twenty-four hours, and you will receive great relief from pain and smarting soreness. This recipe was received from a celebrated oculist, and has never failed to relieve the most inflamed eyes.
Another remedy said to be reliable: A lump of alum as large as a cranberry boiled in a teacupful of sweet milk, and the curd used as a poultice, is excellent for inflammation of the eyes.
Another wash: A cent’s worth of pure, refined white copperas dissolved in a pint of water, is also a good lotion; but label it poison, as it should never go near the mouth. Bathe the eyes with the mixture, either with the hands or a small piece of linen cloth, allowing some of the liquid to get under the lids.
Here is another from an eminent oculist: Take half an ounce of rock salt and one ounce of dry sulphate of zinc; simmer in a clean, covered porcelain vessel with three pints of water until all are dissolved; strain through thick muslin; add one ounce of rose-water; bottle and cork it tight. To use it, mix one teaspoonful of rain-water with one of the eye-water, and bathe the eyes frequently. If it smarts too much, add more water.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: alum, borax, camphor, copperas, eye, eye-wash, eyelids, eyes, inflammation, linen, milk, morphine, muslin, porcelain, poultice, rain water, rock salt, rose water, salt, sulphate, whitehouse, zinc | Comment (0)Epileptic Pills
Take sulphate of zinc, sixty grains; rhubarb and ipecac, each thirty grains; cayenne, sixty grains. Make into sixty pills with extract of hyoscyamus. Dose: One pill night and morning for one week, then leave off for a week, and then resume again, and so on every other week. An important remedy, and has cured many cases of epileptic fits when taken in the early stages.
Source: The Ladies’ Book Of Useful Information