For Inflammation
Nine handfuls of mountain moss, dried on a pan to powder. Nine pinches of it, and nine pinches of the ashes from the hearth, to be mixed in whey, taken every Tuesday and Thursday.
Source: Ancient Cures, Charms, and Usages of Ireland, Lady Wilde
Bites and Stings
Stings from wasps, bees, and ants need treatment with fruit acids — bathe in vinegar or apply a slice of raw apple or peach or a crushed grape. Instant sucking removes part of the poison and relieves the pain to a degree. Always suck bites, as of spiders, unless there are abrasions of tongue and lips. After sucking bathe freely with fresh peroxide of hydrogen, boracic acid, or sugar-of-lead water. A leaf of green plantain, well bruised, bound on a bite or sting when nothing else is at hand keeps down inflammation and mitigates pain. In case of stings make sure the sting proper has not been left in the wound, since its presence might induce blood poisoning.
Source: Harper’s Household Handbook: A guide to easy ways of doing woman’s work, Martha McCulloch-Williams
These generally proceed from some external injury, attended with pain, swelling, and inflammation. A fomentation of vinegar, or camphorated spirits of wine, if applied immediately, will generally be sufficient: if not, a few drops of laudanum should be added. The fomentation should be frequently renewed, and the sprained part kept in a state of rest and relaxation.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
Slippery-Elm Tea
Pour one cup of boiling water upon one teaspoonful of slippery-elm powder or a piece of the bark. When cool, strain, and flavor with lemon-juice and sugar. This is soothing in any inflammation of the mucous membrane.
Source: The Universal Cookery Book, Gertrude Strohm
Eye Lotions
- Dissolve 100 grs of boric acid in 6 oz water.
- Add one teaspoonful Condy’s fluid to 10 oz water.
- Dissolve 30 grs alum and 10 grs sulphate of zinc in 10 oz water.
- Goulard water.
- Cold tea. Useful in cases of slight inflammation.
Source: The Complete Household Adviser
Magic Oil
One gallon Sweet Oil, two ozs. Oil Hemlock, two ozs. Oil Organum, two ozs. Chloroform, four ozs. Spirits Ammonia. Mix. Let it stand 24 hours and it is ready for use. Dose, internally, one teaspoonful for adults. Bathe the affected parts well. This is a great remedy for aches and pains, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all nervous and inflammatory diseases.
Source: One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed, C. A. Bogardus
Specific Inflammatory Rheumatism
One oz. Salt Petre, pulverized; one pint Sweet Oil. Bathe the parts affected three times a day with this mixture and a speedy cure will be the result.
Source: One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed, C. A. Bogardus
Linseed Poultice
Four ounces linseed meal and ten ounces of boiling water. Mix gradually. Dip spoon in boiling water when you spread this mixture on the poultice cloth. Bind on inflamed parts.
Source: Civic League Cook Book
To Reduce Swellings
Tincture of arnica or witch hazel applied to a bump on the head or a bruise where the skin is not broken brings relief from pain and often prevents inflammation and bad swellings.
Source: Civic League Cook Book
Green Ointment
Take two or three large handfuls of the fresh-gathered leaves of the Jamestown weed, (called Apple Peru in New England,) and pound it in a mortar till you have extracted the juice. Then put the juice into a tin sauce-pan, mixed with sufficient lard to make a thick salve. Stew them together ten or fifteen minutes, and then pour the mixture into gallipots and cover it closely. It is excellent to rub on chilblains, and other inflammatory external swellings, applying it several times a day.
Source: Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches, Eliza Leslie