Bites and Stings
Stings from wasps, bees, and ants need treatment with fruit acids — bathe in vinegar or apply a slice of raw apple or peach or a crushed grape. Instant sucking removes part of the poison and relieves the pain to a degree. Always suck bites, as of spiders, unless there are abrasions of tongue and lips. After sucking bathe freely with fresh peroxide of hydrogen, boracic acid, or sugar-of-lead water. A leaf of green plantain, well bruised, bound on a bite or sting when nothing else is at hand keeps down inflammation and mitigates pain. In case of stings make sure the sting proper has not been left in the wound, since its presence might induce blood poisoning.
Source: Harper’s Household Handbook: A guide to easy ways of doing woman’s work, Martha McCulloch-Williams
Drive Ants Away
Sprinkle a little epsom salts around or near where the ants are and they will quickly disappear.
Source: 1001 Household Hints, Ottilie V. Ames
Virtues of Turpentine
After a housekeeper fully realizes the worth of turpentine in the household, she is never willing to be without a supply of it.
1 — It gives quick relief to burns.
2 — It is an excellent application for corns.
3 — It is good for rheumatism and for sore-throats.
4 — It is the quickest remedy for convulsions or fits by applying to the back of the neck.
5 — It is a sure preventive against moths; by just dropping a trifle in the bottom of drawers, chests and wardrobes, it will render the garments secure from injury during the summer.
6 — It will keep ants and bugs from closets and storerooms by putting a few drops in the corners and shelves. It is sure destruction to bed-bugs and will effectually drive them away from their haunts, if thoroughly applied to all the joints of the bedstead in the spring cleaning time, and injures neither furniture nor clothing.
7 — A little in suds washing day lightens laundry labor.
Source: 1001 Household Hints, Ottilie V. Ames
Filed under Remedy | Tags: ames, ants, bedbug, bedbugs, bugs, burn, burns, convulsion, corn, corns, fit, fits, laundry, moth, moths, rheumatism, sore throat, throat, turpentine | Comment (0)Death to Insects
Two pounds of alum dissolved in three or four quarts of boiling water and applied to all cracks and crevices, will keep out ants, roaches, spiders, bedbugs, etc., etc.
Source: 76: A Cook Book
To Destroy Insects and Vermin
Dissolve two pounds of alum in three or four quarts of water. Let it remain over night till all the alum is dissolved. Then with a brush, apply boiling hot to every joint or crevice in the closet or shelves where croton bugs, ants, cockroaches, etc., intrude; also to the joints and crevices of bedsteads, as bed bugs dislike it as much as croton bugs, roaches, or ants. Brush all the cracks in the floor and mop-boards. Keep it boiling hot while using.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
To get rid of Red Ants
A small quantity of green sage, placed in the closet, will cause red ants to disappear. The flour of sulphur, also, sprinkled round the places they frequent, will cause them to disappear.
Source: Valuable Receipts, J.M. Prescott
To Keep Out Red Ants
Place in the closet, or wherever they appear, a small quantity of green sage.
The Kansas Home Cook-Book
To destroy Cockroaches, Ants, and other household Vermin
Hellebore, rubbed over with molasses, and put round the places that cockroaches frequent, is a very effectual poison for them. Arsenic, spread on bread and butter, and placed round rat or mouse holes, will soon put a stop to their ravages. Quicksilver and the white of an egg, beat together, and laid with a feather round the crevices of the bedsteads and the sacking, is very effectual in destroying bugs in them. To kill flies, when so numerous as to be troublesome, keep cobalt, wet with spirit, in a large shallow plate. The spirit will attract the flies, and the cobalt will kill them very soon. Black pepper is said to be good to destroy them — it should be mixed, so as to be very strong, with a little cream and sugar. Great care is necessary in using the above poisons, where there are any children, as they are so apt to eat any thing that comes in their way, and these poisons will prove as fatal to them as to vermin, (excepting the pepper.) The flour of sulphur is said to be good to drive ants away, if sprinkled round the places that they frequent. Sage is also good. Weak brine will kill worms in gravel walks, if kept moist with it a week in the spring, and three or four days in the fall.
Source: The American Housewife