Magic Oil
One gallon Sweet Oil, two ozs. Oil Hemlock, two ozs. Oil Organum, two ozs. Chloroform, four ozs. Spirits Ammonia. Mix. Let it stand 24 hours and it is ready for use. Dose, internally, one teaspoonful for adults. Bathe the affected parts well. This is a great remedy for aches and pains, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all nervous and inflammatory diseases.
Source: One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed, C. A. Bogardus
Liniment for Sprains
One ounce oil of wormseed, one ounce of hemlock, one ounce of sassafras, one ounce of cedar, one ounce of red pepper, one ounce gum camphor, three pints of alcohol. This liniment Ls good for man or beast.
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook
Hemlock Poultice
Two drachms of dried hemlock; two pints of water boiled down to one; add sufficient linseed meal to make it of a proper consistency. Excellent for cancerous and scrofulous ulcers, and malignant sores.
Source: The Unrivalled Cook-Book and Housekeeper’s Guide, Mrs Washington
Baldness – To Cure
One pound pressed hemlock bark. Break in pieces and put into a 3-quart tin-pail. Pour over it 2 quarts boiling soft water, and simmer slowly. When reduced to 3 pints set it aside to cool and pour off the clear liquid for use. Wet the whole scalp thoroughly four or five times a day, rubbing gently with the finger-ends. When the scalp gets healthier and stronger use more friction. One package will generally be all that is required to tone up the scalp. it will not only prevent the hair from falling out, but will bring a new growth of hair if there are any hair bulbs at all.
Source: Mrs Owens’ Cook Book and Useful Household Hints, Frances Owens
Chronical Headache
Keep your feet in warm water a quarter of an hour before you go to bed, for two or three weeks. Tried.
Or wear tender Hemlock-Leaves under the feet, changing them daily.
Or order a tea-kettle of cold water to be poured on your head, every morning in a slender stream.
Or take a large tea-cupful of Carduus Tea, without sugar, fasting for six or seven mornings. Tried.
Source: Primitive Physic: or an easy and natural method of curing most diseases, John Wesley.
Filed under Remedy | Tags: carduus, cold water, feet, head, headache, hemlock, tea, warm water | Comment (0)Remedy for Chapped Hands
The simplest remedy is the camphor ball, to be obtained of all chemists. Powdered hemlock bark put into a piece of muslin and sprinkled on the chaps is highly recommended. Or, wash with oatmeal, and afterwards rub the hands over with dry oatmeal, so as to remove all dampness. It is a good thing to rub the hands and lips with glycerine before going to bed at night. A good oil is made by simmering: Sweet oil, one pint; Venice turpentine, three ounces; lard, half a pound; beeswax, three ounces. Simmer till the wax is melted. Rub on, or apply with a rag.
Source: The Ladies’ Book Of Useful Information
Sore Throat, Ointment for
“Oil Turpentine 1/2 ounce
Oil of Hemlock 1/2 ounce
Oil of Peppermint 1/2 ounce
Oil of Encaliptus 1/2 ounce
Mix with one cup warm lard, apply warm to the throat.”
Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter
Filed under Remedy | Tags: eucalyptus, hemlock, lard, peppermint, sore throat, throat, turpentine | Comment (0)Lungs, Herb Ointment for Congestion of
“Oil of Turpentine 1/2 ounce
Oil of Hemlock 1/2 ounce
Oil of Peppermint 1/2 ounce
Oil of Feverweed 1/2 ounce
Mix this with one cup warm lard.”
Rub this ointment on throat or lungs and apply a flannel over it. Heat it through thoroughly with hot cloths. If used thoroughly and the cold is taken in time will prevent pneumonia.
Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter
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