Good for a Cold
The juice of two lemons in half a tumbler of luke warm water.
Source: Flint Hills Cook Book
To Prevent Styes
Bathe the eye every fifteen minutes in quite warm water; if applied when the soreness first appears, it is a sure preventive, otherwise it will greatly relieve. Also moisten green tea leaves and bind on the stye.
Source: 76: A Cook Book
Chronical Headache
Keep your feet in warm water a quarter of an hour before you go to bed, for two or three weeks. Tried.
Or wear tender Hemlock-Leaves under the feet, changing them daily.
Or order a tea-kettle of cold water to be poured on your head, every morning in a slender stream.
Or take a large tea-cupful of Carduus Tea, without sugar, fasting for six or seven mornings. Tried.
Source: Primitive Physic: or an easy and natural method of curing most diseases, John Wesley.
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