Cholera Remedy
One tablespoon of salt; one teaspoon of red pepper in a half pint of water. This will act as a powerful emetic.
Source: Tried and True Recipes, F.D.P. Jermain
Cure for Lumbago
Take a red pepper, break it in a teacup and pour water over it, bruising it with a spoon ; fill the cup up with water and drink three or four times in a day, and it will effect a sure cure.
Source: The New Galt Cook Book, M. Taylor & F. McNaught
To Prevent the Odor of Boiling Ham or Cabbage
Throw red pepper pods or a few bits of charcoal into the pan they are cooking in.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Liniment for Sprains
One ounce oil of wormseed, one ounce of hemlock, one ounce of sassafras, one ounce of cedar, one ounce of red pepper, one ounce gum camphor, three pints of alcohol. This liniment Ls good for man or beast.
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook
Grandmother’s Cough Syrup
Take half a pound of dry hoarhound herbs, one pod of red pepper, four tablespoonfuls of ginger, boil all in three quarts of water, then strain, and add one teaspoonful of good, fresh tar and a pound of sugar. Boil slowly and stir often, until it is reduced to one quart of syrup. When cool, bottle for use. Take one or two teaspoonfuls four or six times a day.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Inflamed Sore Throat
Gargle with borax and alum, dissolved in water. Take equal parts of saltpetre and loaf sugar pulverized together; place upon the tongue, and let it trickle down slowly to the inflamed part. Use this two or three times a day. Rub the glands with a mixture of camphor, cantharides, myrrh, and turpentine. If this fails to reduce the inflammation, put a small blister within an inch of the ears. A gargle with red pepper tea is good. Give cooling medicines. Bathe the feet at night. Avoid taking cold.
Source: Mrs Hill’s New Cook-Book
Putrid Sore Throat
Mix one gill of strong apple vinegar, cue tablespoonful of common salt, tablespoonful of strained honey, half a pod of red pepper; boil them together; strain into half a pint of strong sage tea. In severe cases give half a teaspoonful for an adult every hour; decrease the dose as the disease is relieved. Use some as a gargle.
Source: Mrs Hill’s New Cook-Book
Pepper Tea
Six red peppers broken in small pieces, one pint of boiling water poured over them, one teaspoonful of salt, one-half pint of vinegar. This is a good remedy for sore throat.
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook
Good Old Mother’s Remedy for Sore Throat
“Steep a medium sized red pepper in one-half pint of water, strain and add one-fourth pint of good vinegar and a heaping teaspoonful each of salt and powdered alum and gargle with it as often as needed. This is a very good remedy.”
Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter