Tooth Powder
Powdered orris-root, 1/2 an ounce; powdered charcoal, 2 ounces, powdered Peruvian bark, 1 ounce; prepared chalk, 1/2 an ounce; oil of bergamot, or lavender, 20 drops. These ingredients must be well worked up in a mortar, until thoroughly incorporated. This celebrated tooth-powder possesses three essential virtues, giving an odorous breath, cleansing and purifying the gums, and preserving the enamel; the last rarely found in popular tooth-powders.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
Tooth Powder
Sal ammoniac, gum mastic, red coral, and myrrh, of each an equal quantity finely powdered.
Another: 3 oz. camphor, 1 oz. powdered cinchona bark, 1 oz. prepared charcoal, and sufficient spirits of wine to dissolve the camphor. Mix thoroughly, and pass through a fine sieve.
The mixture of chalk and camphor is very good for preserving as well as cleansing teeth.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Filed under Remedy | Tags: camphor, chalk, charcoal, cinchona park, cobbett, coral, gum mastic, mouth, myrrh, red coral, sal-ammoniac, spirits of wine, teeth, tooth | Comment (0)To Clean Teeth
Pulverized charcoal mixed with honey, is very good to cleanse teeth, and make them white. A little Peruvian bark put in a phial with lime water is excellent to use occasionally by those that have offensive teeth; and tincture of myrrh mixed with a little water, may be used with advantage, to harden the gums. A little Peruvian bark put in the teeth just before going to bed, and washed out in the morning, is an excellent preservative of teeth. It is very important for parents to insist on children cleaning their teeth, at least, it is well for them to begin before they lose their first set, as it makes them last longer, and fixes the habit, which is of great importance.
Source: Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers, Elizabeth E. Lea
A Cheap But Good Tooth-Powder
Cut a slice of bread as thick as may be, into squares, and burn in the fire until it becomes charcoal, after which pound in a mortar, and sift through a fine muslin; it is then ready for use.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
Beer, Restoration of Spoiled
I.—Powdered chalk is poured into the cask and allowed to remain in the beer until completely precipitated.
II.—The liquor of boiled raisins may be poured into the beer, with the result that the sour taste of the beer is disguised.
III.—A small quantity of a solution of potash will remove the sour taste of beer. Too much potash must not be added; otherwise the stomach will suffer. Beer thus restored will not keep long.
IV.—If the beer is not completely spoiled it may be restored by the addition of coarsely powdered charcoal.
V.—If the addition of any of the above-mentioned substances should affect the taste of the beer, a little powdered zingiber may be used to advantage. Syrup or molasses may also be employed.
Source: Henley’s Twentieth Century Formulas, Recipes and Processes
Filed under Remedy | Tags: beer, chalk, charcoal, henley, molasses, potash, raisins, spoiled beer, syrup, zingiber | Comment (0)To Prevent the Odor of Boiling Ham or Cabbage
Throw red pepper pods or a few bits of charcoal into the pan they are cooking in.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Hints to Young Ladies (I)
Two simple chemicals should appear on every toilet-table : the carbonate of ammonia and powdered charcoal. No cosmetic has more frequent uses than these. The ammonia must be kept in glass with a glass stopper from the air. French charcoal is preferred by physicians, as it is more finely ground, and a large bottle of it should be kept on hand. In cases of debility, and all wasting disorders it is valuable. To clear the complexion, take a teaspoonful of charcoal well mixed in water or honey for three nights, then use a simple purgative to remove it from the system. It acts like calomel with no bad effect, purifying the blood more effectually than any thing else. But do not omit the aperient, or the charcoal will remain in the system. After this course of purification, tonics may be used.
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook
Sick Headache
One teaspoon of finely powdered charcoal in a a half tumbler of water.
Source: 76: A Cook Book
For a Burn
Make half a tumbler of strong lime water, let it set a few minutes; then strain the water through a thin muslin to the same quantity of linseed or sweet oil (neat’s or hog’s foot will answer); mix it well, and spread over the burn; wrap over linen cloths. Do not remove the cloth for several days; saturate it frequently with the lime and oil until the inflammation is subdued. Should the odor become offensive, apply cold poultices of the flour of slippery elm; spread over with pulverized charcoal. A plaster of lard and soot is also good for a burn. Heal with any simple salve — a very good one is made by stewing together heart leaves, white lily root, agrimony, a few leaves of the Jamestown weed, and sweet gum. When the strength of the herbs is extracted, strain the water; throw away leaves, etc.; add fresh unsalted butter, and simmer gently until the water has evaporated. Keep this on hand for common sores, in a close-covered box.
Source: Mrs Hill’s New Cook-Book
For the Teeth
A very agreeable dentifrice is made from an ounce of myrrh in fine powder, and a little powdered green sage, mixed with two spoonfuls of honey. The teeth should be washed with it every night and morning. Spite of all that is said against it, charcoal holds the highest place as a tooth-powder. It has the property, too, of opposing putrefaction, and destroying vices of the gums. It is most conveniently used when made into paste with honey.
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook