White Liniment
Good for sprains, bruises, sores, sore throat, etc. Take one quart of sharp apple vinegar, one-half pint of turpentine, and three eggs, and shake well together. This is equally good for man or beast.
Source: The Inglenook Cook Book
Specific for a Cough
Take equal quantities of camomile flowers, elecampane, life-everlasting, mullen, a few races of ginger, and as much fat lightwood splinters as camomile. Boil to a strong tea; strain it, and add enough honey and sugar mixed in equal quantities; boil down to a syrup; add enough good apple vinegar to give a pleasant acid taste. Pills made of fresh tar, brown sugar, and the yolk of an egg,
are good for a cough. Pills of fresh rosin taken from the pine tree are also good.
Source: Mrs Hill’s New Cook-Book
Putrid Sore Throat
Mix one gill of strong apple vinegar, cue tablespoonful of common salt, tablespoonful of strained honey, half a pod of red pepper; boil them together; strain into half a pint of strong sage tea. In severe cases give half a teaspoonful for an adult every hour; decrease the dose as the disease is relieved. Use some as a gargle.
Source: Mrs Hill’s New Cook-Book
Make a strong tea of sweet gum bark ; to a pint, add a gill of good brandy, half an ounce of laudanum, a little loaf sugar to make it palatable. Take a teaspoonful every hour until the effect of the laudanum is apparent, then at longer intervals, until the disease abates.
A very good and simple remedy, if used when the first symptoms appear, is : Give an adult five drops of spirits of turpentine
in a teaspoonful of sweet milk. Repeat, if necessary. Give a child according to age.
Another remedy : A teacup half full of apple vinegar. Dissolve as much salt in it as it will hold, leaving a little at the bottom. Pour boiling water upon the solution until the cup is three-fourths full. Scald it, and remove the scum. Take a tablespoonful three times a day.
Source: Mrs Hill’s New Cook-Book
Filed under Remedy | Tags: apple vinegar, bark, bowel, bowels, brandy, diarrhea, diarrhoea, dysentery, hill, laudanum, loaf-sugar, milk, salt, spirits of turpentine, sweet gum, sweet gum bark, turpentine, vinegar | Comment (0)