A Cure for the Stomach and Purification of the Blood
Take gentian root, ginseng root, elder bark, elder root, the rind of sassafras root, hoarhound, burdock, half an ounce of each and rosin of pine, as much as the size of a hickory nut, put the whole together into a bottle and add a quart good rye whisky. After this has stood for 24 hours you may use it.
A grown person of a strong constitution may take a teaspoonful of it at a time, and it can easily be ascertained whether more or less will do. It is to be taken in the morning before breakfast, at noon and in the evening.
Source: Recipes: Information for Everybody, J.F. Landis
Filed under Remedy | Tags: blood, burdock, elder bark, elder root, gentian root, ginseng root, hoarhound, landis, pine, purification, rosin, rye whisky, sassafras root, stomach, whisky | Comment (0)A Certain Cure for the Tooth-ache
Take a goose quill and cut it off where it begins to be hollow, then scrape off a little from each nail of the hands and feet, put it into the quill and stop it up, after which bore a hole towards the rise of the sun, into a tree that bears no fruit, put the quill with the scrapings of the nails into the hole and with three strokes close up the hole with a bung made of pine wood. It must be done on the first Friday in new moon in the morning.
Source: Recipes: Information for Everybody, J.F. Landis
Hay Fever, To Cure
This unpleasant complaint may be cured by aconite and white wine whey taken at bed-time. Boil half a pint of milk, add a little aconite and a glass of sherry, strain through muslin, and sweeten the whey with white sugar.
To twelve parts of absolute phenol, eight parts of carbonate of ammonia, twenty-two parts of strong solution of ammonia, half a part of oil of lavender, and one and a half parts of camphor, add a little sifted pine sawdust. Inhale five or six times a day, or when the sneezing comes on.
Relief has often been found by wearing tinted side spectacles to soften the light and lessen the glare of the sun.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: absolute phenol, aconite, ammonia, camphor, carbonate of ammonia, hay fever, lavender, milk, million, oil of lavender, phenol, pine, pine sawdust, sherry, solution of ammonia, sugar, sun, sunglasses, whey, white sugar, white wine, white wine whey, wine | Comment (0)Specific for a Cough
Take equal quantities of camomile flowers, elecampane, life-everlasting, mullen, a few races of ginger, and as much fat lightwood splinters as camomile. Boil to a strong tea; strain it, and add enough honey and sugar mixed in equal quantities; boil down to a syrup; add enough good apple vinegar to give a pleasant acid taste. Pills made of fresh tar, brown sugar, and the yolk of an egg,
are good for a cough. Pills of fresh rosin taken from the pine tree are also good.
Source: Mrs Hill’s New Cook-Book
Cure for a Cough or Cold
An intelligent farmer has observed, that the best remedy he ever tried in his family for a cough or cold, was a decoction of the leaves of the pine-tree, sweetened with loaf sugar, to be freely drank warm when going to bed at night, and cold throughout the day.
Source: Valuable Receipts, J.M. Prescott
For a Dry, Irritating Cough
Smoke in a common clean pipe equal quantities of ground coffee and rich pine saw-dust. My husband finds almost instant relief when his throat and lungs are sore. Swallow all the smoke you can.
Source: Mrs Owens’ Cook Book and Useful Household Hints, Frances Owens
Hair Tonic III
Digest half an ounce of pine tar in a pint of water for forty-eight hours, stirring occasionally; filter, and put with the other fluid, then add one pint of bay rum, one ounce each of cologne and tincture of cantharides, two ounces of glycerin and ten ounces of distilled water. Apply daily, using a tonic brush.
Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter
Painful Menstruation, a Good Tonic for
“This may be relieved by sitting over the steam of a strong decoction of tansy, wormwood, and yarrow, and fomenting the abdomen with the same. Then take the following in wineglassful doses:– One ounce each of ground pine, southern wood, tansy, catnip and germander, simmering in two quarts of water down to three pints and pour boiling hot on one ounce of pennyroyal herb, strain when cold and take as per dose above.”
Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter
News: Remember days of home remedies?
“Modern medicine could be spelled m-i-r-a-c-l-e, and I wouldn’t object. It seems that even as more and more unbelievable strides are made, the gains come even faster and faster.
I still marvel at the progress of medicine even in my lifetime. When I was a kid, medicine had not stumbled much beyond home remedies, some of which worked, and some didn’t.”
Full story: Beaumont Journal, 13th February 2008
Filed under News | Tags: asthma, cobweb, cold, croup, feet, ginger, headache, honey, lard, News, pine, potato, salt, smoke, soot, spider web, sugar, turpentine, vinegar, whisky | Comment (0)Another Remedy for Dropsy
Take a quart of gin, put into it one handful of the white buds of the common pine; shake it frequently, and take half a wine glassful at a time, twice a day, about an hour before a meal, and occasionally eat a little brown mustard seed; this should be persevered in, and has been known to afford great relief, in two obstinate cases.
Source: Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers, Elizabeth E. Lea