The decoction of sarsaparilla has proved useful in cases of erysipelas. Take two ounces of sarsaparilla, one of sassafras, one of burdock root, and one of liquorice; boil them slowly in three pints of water, keeping it covered close, until reduced to one-half. Take two table-spoonsful four times a day.
While taking medicine for the erysipelas, meat and all strong food should be avoided, and every thing that has a tendency to inflame the blood. Dusting the parts affected, with rye or buckwheat flour, sometimes has a cooling effect, and bathing with camphor or spirits will allay the irritation.
Nettle rash is very much like erysipelas, and the same treatment is good for both. Slippery-elm bark, chipped, and let to stand in cold water till it becomes thick, is a very cooling drink. It may be filled up the second time. Barley water is also a suitable drink.
Erysipelas is frequently brought on by violent exercise, and the perspiration being checked too suddenly. Persons that have once had it, should avoid extremes of heat and cold, and pay strict attention to diet–not eating any thing that disagrees with them. All acids, particularly pickles, are improper.
The stomach should be cleansed by emetics. Small and frequent doses of senna and salts, if taken just at going to bed, will not occasion much sickness, and tend greatly to relieve the system of this unpleasant disease. Where the case is slight, the rhubarb pills sometimes give relief. The pores of those that are subject to it are generally open, and flannel should be worn all the year, to prevent too sudden a check of perspiration.
Source: Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers, Elizabeth E. Lea
Filed under Remedy | Tags: barley water, buckwheat flour, burdock, burdock root, camphor, emetics, erysipelas, flannel, irritation, lea, licorice, liquorice, nettle, nettle rash, rhubarb, rhubarb pills, rye flour, salts, sarsaparilla, sassafras, senna, slippery elm bark, spirits | Comment (0)A Cure for the Stomach and Purification of the Blood
Take gentian root, ginseng root, elder bark, elder root, the rind of sassafras root, hoarhound, burdock, half an ounce of each and rosin of pine, as much as the size of a hickory nut, put the whole together into a bottle and add a quart good rye whisky. After this has stood for 24 hours you may use it.
A grown person of a strong constitution may take a teaspoonful of it at a time, and it can easily be ascertained whether more or less will do. It is to be taken in the morning before breakfast, at noon and in the evening.
Source: Recipes: Information for Everybody, J.F. Landis
Filed under Remedy | Tags: blood, burdock, elder bark, elder root, gentian root, ginseng root, hoarhound, landis, pine, purification, rosin, rye whisky, sassafras root, stomach, whisky | Comment (0)Burdock
The value of this plant cannot be too much known for its direct action on the blood, whether for scurvy, skin eruptions, leprosy, scrofula, venereal, ulcers, kidney disease, convulsions, fits, &c. It is invaluable. Two ounces to be used to three pints of water. This simmer down to two pints; take a gill three times a day.
Source: Fray’s Golden Recipes for the use of all ages, E. Fray
In slight cases, the juice of onions, a little ink or brandy rubbed immediately on the part affected, will prevent blisters. The juice of burdock, mixed with an equal quantity of olive oil, will make a good ointment for the purpose, and the fresh leaves of that plant may also be applied as a kind of plaster. Houseleek used by itself, or mixed with cream, will afford quick relief in external inflammations. A little spirit of turpentine, or linseed oil, mixed with lime water, if kept constantly to the part will remove the pain. But warm vinegar and water, frequently applied with a woollen cloth, is most to be depended on in these cases.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
Grandmother’s Family Spring Bitters
Mandrake root one ounce, dandelion root one ounce, burdock root one ounce, yellow dock root one ounce, prickly ash berries two ounces, marsh mallow one ounce, turkey rhubarb half an ounce, gentian one ounce, English camomile flowers one ounce, red clover tops two ounces.
Wash the herbs and roots; put them into an earthen vessel, pour over two quarts of water that has been boiled and cooled; let it stand over night and soak; in the morning set it on the back of the stove, and steep it five hours; it must not boil, but be nearly ready to boil. Strain it through a cloth, and add half a pint of good gin. Keep it in a cool place. Half a wine-glass taken as a dose twice a day.
This is better than all the patent blood medicines that are in the market–a superior blood purifier, and will cure almost any malignant sore, by taking according to direction, and washing the sore with a strong tea of red raspberry leaves steeped, first washing the sore with castile soap, then drying with a soft cloth.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bin, bitters, blood, burdock, camomile, chamomile, clover, dandelion, gentian, gin, mandrake, marsh mallow, marshmallow, prickly ash, purifier, raspberry, raspberry leaves, red clover, red raspberry, rhubarb, root, skin, sore, spring, turkey rhubarb, whitehouse, yellow dock | Comment (0)Draughts for the Feet
Take a large leaf from the horse-radish plant, and cut out the hard fibres that run through the leaf; place it on a hot shovel for a moment to soften it, fold it, and fasten it closely in the hollow of the foot by a cloth bandage.
Burdock leaves, cabbage leaves, and mullein leaves, are used in the same manner, to alleviate pain and promote perspiration.
Garlics are also made for draughts by pounding them, placing them on a hot tin plate for a moment to sweat them, and binding them closely to the hollow of the foot by a cloth bandage.
Draughts of onions, for infants, are made by roasting onions in hot ashes, and, when they are quite soft, peeling off the outside, mashing them, and applying them on a cloth as usual.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bandage, burdock, cabbage, cloth, feet, foot, garlic, horse-radish, horseradish, mullein, onion, onions, pain, perspiration, whitehouse | Comment (0)The Jaundice
Wear leaves of Celendine upon and under the feet.
Or take a small pill of Castile-soap every morning, for eight or ten days. Tried.
Or beat the white of an Egg thin; take it morning and evening in a glass of water.
Or half a pint of strong decoction of Nettles. Or of Burdock-leaves, morning and evening.
Or boil three ounces of Burdock-root in two quarts of water to three pints. Drink a tea-cupful of this every morning.
Source: Primitive Physic: or an easy and natural method of curing most diseases, John Wesley.
Filed under Remedy | Tags: burdock, castile soap, celandine, celendine, egg, egg white, feet, foot, jaundice, nettle, soap, wesley | Comment (0)Rheumatism, Three Things that Will Help
“Best Rye Whisky 2 pints
Ground Burdock Seed 1/2 pound
Poke Berry Juice 1/2 pint
Mix, shake well before using.
Dose for adults, one and one-half or two tablespoonfuls night and morning.” In severe cases take three times a day. This is a thoroughly tried remedy and is a very successful one.
Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter
Filed under Remedy | Tags: burdock, poke berry, rheumatism, whisky | Comment (0)Skin Diseases, Burdock Tea a Standard Remedy for
“Take a handful of the freshly bruised burdock root to two quarts of water and boil down one-half; drink from a half to one pint a day.” This is considered one of the best home remedies for skin diseases that is known and is perfectly harmless.
Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter
Blood Purifier, Herb Tea Used as
“Burdock Root 2 ounces
Yellow Dock 2 ounces
Slippery Elm Bark 1 ounce
Mezeron Root 1 ounce
Licorice Juice 1 ounce
Simmer gently in three pints of water down to one quart; when cold, strain and add one-fourth ounce of iodine potassium.” A wineglassful may be taken three times a day. This preparation is a fine blood purifier and can be relied upon.
Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter
Filed under Remedy | Tags: blood, burdock, dock, iodine, licorice, liquorice, mezeron, slippery elm, twitter-archive | Comment (0)