In slight cases, the juice of onions, a little ink or brandy rubbed immediately on the part affected, will prevent blisters. The juice of burdock, mixed with an equal quantity of olive oil, will make a good ointment for the purpose, and the fresh leaves of that plant may also be applied as a kind of plaster. Houseleek used by itself, or mixed with cream, will afford quick relief in external inflammations. A little spirit of turpentine, or linseed oil, mixed with lime water, if kept constantly to the part will remove the pain. But warm vinegar and water, frequently applied with a woollen cloth, is most to be depended on in these cases.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
For the Whooping Cough
Onions and garlic sliced, of each one gill; one gill of sweet oil; stir them in the oil in a covered dish; strain and add one gill of honey; one-half an ounce of paregoric; one-half an ounce of spirits of camphor. Bottle and cork for use. Dose: one teaspoonful three or four times a day.
Source: Tried and True Recipes, F.D.P. Jermain
Hints In Regard To Health (Part I)
It is plainly seen by an inquiring mind that, aside from the selection and preparation of food, there are many little things constantly arising in the experience of everyday life which, in their combined effect, are powerful agents in the formation (or prevention) of perfect health. A careful observance of these little occurrences, an inquiry into the philosophy attending them, lies within the province, and indeed should be considered among the highest duties, of every housekeeper.
- That one should be cautious about entering a sick room in a state of perspiration, as the moment you become cool your pores absorb. Do not approach contagious diseases with an empty stomach, nor sit between the sick and the fire, because the heat attracts the vapor.
- That the flavor of cod-liver oil may be changed to the delightful one of fresh oyster, if the patient will drink a large glass of water poured from a vessel in which nails have been allowed to rust.
- That a bag of hot sand relieves neuralgia.
- That warm borax water will remove dandruff.
- That salt should be eaten with nuts to aid digestion.
- That it rests you, in sewing, to change your position frequently.
- That a little soda water will relieve sick headache caused by indigestion.
- That a cupful of strong coffee will remove the odor of onions from the breath.
- That well-ventilated bedrooms will prevent morning headaches and lassitude.
- A cupful of hot water drank before meals will relieve nausea and dyspepsia.
- That a fever patient can be made cool and comfortable by frequent sponging off with soda water.
- That consumptive night-sweats may be arrested by sponging the body nightly in salt water.
- That one in a faint should be laid flat on his back, then loosen his clothes and let him alone.
- The best time to bathe is just before going to bed, as any danger of taking cold is thus avoided; and the complexion is improved by keeping warm for several hours after leaving the bath.
- To beat the whites of eggs quickly add a pinch of salt. Salt cools, and cold eggs froth rapidly.
- Hot, dry flannels, applied as hot as possible, for neuralgia.
(Continued in this post.)
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bath, borax, breath, cod liver oil, coffee, complexion, consumption, contagion, contagious disease, dandruff, digestion, dyspepsia, egg white, faint, fever, flannel, hair, headache, indigestion, lassitude, mouth, nails, nausea, neuralgia, nuts, onions, oyster, perspiration, pores, rust, salt, salt water, sand, scalp, sewing, sick headache, sick room, soda, soda water, water, whitehouse | Comment (0)A very excellent Receipt against Convulsions which cur’d one had 9 Fitts a Day
Take Race oynions and black pepper of each a little quantity stamp’d pretty small and lay it to ye soals of ye feet keep it on 7 houres, whilst ye party is in ye fitt force them not to take any thing inwardly but anoynt ye wrists on ye inside, ye palmes of ye hands, ye Temples and ye nostrills (if it be a childe) with Methridate (if not) with oyle or spirit of Amber, between ye fitts let it drinke black cherrey water sweetned with syrrop of Cloves & syrrop of Pyonies for a weeks time after ye fitts first and last let them ware a necklace of single pyonie roots alwayes about theire neck, avoid giving syrrop of Violets if you fear fitts, but syrrop of Roses and Succory is good to be given together when costive this may be given to children of any age.
Source: A Book of Simples, H.W. Lewer
To Remove the Odor of Onions
Fill with cold water kettles and sauce pans in which they have been cooked adding a tablespoonful of bread soda and the same of ammonia. Let stand on the stove until it boils. Then wash in hot suds and rinse well. A pudding or bean pot, treated in this way, will wash easily. Wood ashes in the water will have the same effect.
Source: Things Mother Used To Make, L.M. Gurney
Onion Skins as a Dye
If you wish for a bright yellow, save your onion skins. They will color white cloth a very bright yellow. This is a good color for braided rugs, such as people used to make.
Source: Things Mother Used To Make, L.M. Gurney
A layer of onions sliced and brown sugar – a teaspoonful of the syrup is a dose. Put upon the chest a plaster of Scotch snuff. Grease a cloth three or four inches long, two or three wide ; sprinkle over it the snuff. Remove the plaster as soon as the stomach becomes nauseated.
The premonitory symptoms of croup are a shrill, sonorous cough, cold hands, and flushed face. The patient is not always sick, and is often gayer than usual. Use without delay a plaster of mustard upon the throat, or apply to the throat a strip of flannel dipped in turpentine or spirits of hartshorn. Give nauseating doses of hive syrup or syrup of squills. When these remedies are used promptly, they usually give relief.
Source: Mrs Hill’s New Cook-Book
Filed under Remedy | Tags: brown sugar, cough, croup, hartshorn, hill, hive syrup, mustard, onion, onions, plaster, scotch snuff, snuff, spirits of hartshorn, squills, sugar, syrup of squills, turpentine | Comment (0)To Prevent Flies From Injuring Picture Frames
Boil three or four onions in one pint of water; brush the frames over with the liquid and no fly will touch them. It will not injure the frames.
Source: 76: A Cook Book
Loss of Hair
Hair is preserved by onion-juice and brandy, rubbed in well. Or, take one part cantharides powder, to eight of alcohol, carefully mixed; and well rubbed into the roots of the hair.
Source: Valuable Receipts, J.M. Prescott
A Syrup for Colds and Coughs
Take 18 ounces of perfectly sound onions, and after removing rind make several incisions, but not too deep. Boil together with 13 1/2 ounces of moist sugar and 2 3/4 ounces of honey in 35 ounces of water, for three-quarters of an hour; strain, and fill into bottles for use. Give one tablespoonful of this mixture (slightly warmed) immediately on attack, and then, according to requirement, five to eight half tablespoonfuls daily.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts