Hints In Regard To Health (Part I)
It is plainly seen by an inquiring mind that, aside from the selection and preparation of food, there are many little things constantly arising in the experience of everyday life which, in their combined effect, are powerful agents in the formation (or prevention) of perfect health. A careful observance of these little occurrences, an inquiry into the philosophy attending them, lies within the province, and indeed should be considered among the highest duties, of every housekeeper.
- That one should be cautious about entering a sick room in a state of perspiration, as the moment you become cool your pores absorb. Do not approach contagious diseases with an empty stomach, nor sit between the sick and the fire, because the heat attracts the vapor.
- That the flavor of cod-liver oil may be changed to the delightful one of fresh oyster, if the patient will drink a large glass of water poured from a vessel in which nails have been allowed to rust.
- That a bag of hot sand relieves neuralgia.
- That warm borax water will remove dandruff.
- That salt should be eaten with nuts to aid digestion.
- That it rests you, in sewing, to change your position frequently.
- That a little soda water will relieve sick headache caused by indigestion.
- That a cupful of strong coffee will remove the odor of onions from the breath.
- That well-ventilated bedrooms will prevent morning headaches and lassitude.
- A cupful of hot water drank before meals will relieve nausea and dyspepsia.
- That a fever patient can be made cool and comfortable by frequent sponging off with soda water.
- That consumptive night-sweats may be arrested by sponging the body nightly in salt water.
- That one in a faint should be laid flat on his back, then loosen his clothes and let him alone.
- The best time to bathe is just before going to bed, as any danger of taking cold is thus avoided; and the complexion is improved by keeping warm for several hours after leaving the bath.
- To beat the whites of eggs quickly add a pinch of salt. Salt cools, and cold eggs froth rapidly.
- Hot, dry flannels, applied as hot as possible, for neuralgia.
(Continued in this post.)
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: bath, borax, breath, cod liver oil, coffee, complexion, consumption, contagion, contagious disease, dandruff, digestion, dyspepsia, egg white, faint, fever, flannel, hair, headache, indigestion, lassitude, mouth, nails, nausea, neuralgia, nuts, onions, oyster, perspiration, pores, rust, salt, salt water, sand, scalp, sewing, sick headache, sick room, soda, soda water, water, whitehouse | Comment (0)Powder for the Skin
If young ladies will use powder, the most harmless is refined chalk, powder is often a protection and comfort on long journeys, or in the city dust. If the pores of the skin must be filled one would prefer clean dust to begin with. A layer of powder will prevent freckles and sun-burn when properly applied. In all these cases it is worth while to know how to use it well. The skin should be as clean and cool as possible to begin. A pellet of chalk, without any poisonous bismuth in it, should be wrapped in coarse linen, and crushed in water, grinding it well between the fingers. Then wash the face quickly with the linen, and the wet powder oozes in its finest state through the cloth, leaving a pure white deposit when dry. Press the face lightly with a damp handkerchief to remove superfluous powder, wiping the brows and nostrils free. This mode of using chalk is less easily detected than when it is dusted on dry.
Source: The Housekeeper’s Friend: A Practical Cookbook