To Remove the Odor of Onions
Fill with cold water kettles and sauce pans in which they have been cooked adding a tablespoonful of bread soda and the same of ammonia. Let stand on the stove until it boils. Then wash in hot suds and rinse well. A pudding or bean pot, treated in this way, will wash easily. Wood ashes in the water will have the same effect.
Source: Things Mother Used To Make, L.M. Gurney
Homemade Shortening
Do not throw away small pieces of fat from pork, lamb or steak. Put them on the stove, in a skillet or agate dish and cook them till there is nothing left, but scraps. Then pare a potato, wash clean, cut into thin slices and cook in the fat for a half hour to clarify it. Strain through a cloth. This will be good to fry doughnuts in and for all purposes, where shortening is needed, except for pie crust.
Pieces of fat, not fit for shortening can be saved in some old utensil and made into kitchen soap.
Source: Things Mother Used To Make, L.M. Gurney
Filed under Remedy | Tags: doughnuts, fat, gurney, lamb, lard, pork, potato, shortening, steak | Comment (0)To Clean a Vinegar Cruet on the Inside
Put into it shot, pebblestones, or beans. Fill it with a strong soap suds, and one teaspoonful of bread soda or ammonia. Let stand an hour, shake well and often. Rinse with clean water.
Source: Things Mother Used To Make, L.M. Gurney
Onion Skins as a Dye
If you wish for a bright yellow, save your onion skins. They will color white cloth a very bright yellow. This is a good color for braided rugs, such as people used to make.
Source: Things Mother Used To Make, L.M. Gurney
To Prevent Mold on Top of Glasses of Jelly
Melt paraffine and pour over the jelly after it is cold. No brandy, paper, or other covering is necessary.
Source: Things Mother Used To Make, L.M. Gurney
To Remove Disagreeable Odors from the House
Sprinkle fresh ground coffee, on a shovel of hot coals, or burn sugar on the shovel. This is an old-fashioned disinfectant, still good.
Source: Things Mother Used To Make, L.M. Gurney
To Lengthen the Life of a Broom
Your broom will last much longer and be made tough and pliable, by dipping for a minute or two, in a pail of boiling suds, once a week. A carpet will wear longer if swept with a broom treated in this way. Leave your broom bottom side up, or hang it.
Source: Things Mother Used To Make, L.M. Gurney
To Remove Egg Stain from Silver
Salt when applied dry, with a soft piece of flannel will remove the stain from silver, caused by eggs.
Source: Things Mother Used To Make, L.M. Gurney