Cosmetic Soaps for Washing the Hands
Take a pound of castile soap, or any other nice old soap; scrape it fine; put it on the fire with a little water, stir it to a smooth paste; turn it into a bowl; add any kind of essence; beat it with a silver spoon till well mixed; thicken it with Indian meal, and keep it in small pots, closely covered; exposure to the air will harden it.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
Instantaneous Hair Dye
Take one drachm of nitrate of silver, and add to it just sufficient rain water to dissolve it, and no more; then take strong spirit of ammonia, and gradually pour on the solution of silver, until it becomes as clear as water, (the addition of the ammonia at first makes it brown); then wrap round the bottle two or three covers of blue paper, to exclude the light — otherwise it will spoil. Having made this, obtain two drachms of gallic acid; put this into another bottle which will contain one-half pint; pour upon it hot water, and let it stand until cold — when it is fit for use.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
Phalon’s Instantaneous Hair Dye
To one ounce of crystallized nitrate of silver, dissolved in one ounce of concentrated aqua ammonia, add one ounce of gum arabic and six ounces of soft water. Keep in the dark. Remember to remove all grease from the hair before applying the dye.
There is danger in some of the patent hair dyes, and hence the Scientific American offers what is known as the walnut hair dye. The simplest form is the expressed juice of the bark or shell of green walnuts. To preserve the juice a little alcohol is commonly added to it with a few bruised cloves, and the whole digested together, with occasional agitation, for a week or fortnight, when the clear portion is decanted, and, if necessary, filtered. Sometimes a little common salt is added with the same intention. It should be kept in a cool place. The most convenient way of application is by means of a sponge.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: alcohol, ammonia, aqua ammonia, dye, grease, green walnuts, gum arabic, hair, hair dye, juice, salt, silver, silver nitrate, sponge, walnut, water, whitehouse | Comment (0)Potatoes Used to Cleanse
Small pieces of raw potato in a little water shaken vigorously inside bottles and lamp chimneys will clean them admirably. To clean a burned porcelain kettle boil peeled potatoes in it. Cold boiled potatoes not over-boiled, used as soap will clean the hands and keep them soft and healthy. To cleanse and stiffen silk, woolen and cotton fabrics use the following recipe:–Grate two good sized potatoes into a pint of clear, clean, soft water. Strain through a coarse sieve into a gallon of water and let the liquid settle. Pour the starchy fluid from the sediment, rub the articles gently in the liquid, rinse them thoroughly in clear water and then dry and press. Water in which potatoes are boiled is said to be very effective in keeping silver bright.
Source: Vaughan’s Vegetable Cook Book
Oxmarrow Pomade for the Hair
One marrow bone, half a pint of oil, ten cents’ worth of citronella. Take the marrow out of the bone, place it in warm water, let it get almost to boiling point, then let it cool and pour the water away; repeat this three times until the marrow is thoroughly “fined.” Beat the marrow to a cream with a silver fork, stir the oil in, drop by drop, beating all the time; when quite cold add the citronella, pour into jars and cover down.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
To Remove Egg Stain from Silver
Salt when applied dry, with a soft piece of flannel will remove the stain from silver, caused by eggs.
Source: Things Mother Used To Make, L.M. Gurney