Elliman’s Embrocation

May 15th, 2021

One new-laid egg well beaten, add to it by degrees one gill turpentine, one gill vinegar, put in alternately one-half ounce spirits of camphor.

Directions for use. — For rheumatism, lumbago, for sore throat, cold in chest, etc., rub in well with hand, night and morning. A flannel may also be soaked in embrocation and put on, covered with a cloth or flannel. Can be used also as a substitute for mustard plaster, as above.

Source: The Canadian Family Cookbook, Grace E. Denison


February 7th, 2021

Dip a flannel in scalding water, wring it out, and sprinkle it with spirits of turpentine. Apply quickly to the part affected. Repeat this a few times and it will afford certain relief. Also take a little sweet spirits of nitre.

Source: Recipes for the Million

Cure for Lumbago

February 14th, 2020

Take a red pepper, break it in a teacup and pour water over it, bruising it with a spoon ; fill the cup up with water and drink three or four times in a day, and it will effect a sure cure.

Source: The New Galt Cook Book, M. Taylor & F. McNaught

Lumbago, Menthol Liniment for

February 6th, 2008

“Apply the menthol liniment, cover with a thick cloth and put the hot water bottle next to it and go to bed. If up through the day have a cotton batting sewed to cloth and keep affected parts warm, using the liniment freely.” The menthol liniment will be found an excellent remedy for lumbago, The menthol absorbs quickly and by applying the hot water bottle relief is sure to follow.

Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter

For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains, Bruises and Bites of Insects

January 3rd, 2008

One raw egg, well beaten; half a pint of vinegar; one ounce of spirits of turpentine; a quarter of an ounce of spirits of wine; a quarter of an ounce of camphor. These ingredients to be beaten well together, then put in a bottle and shaken for ten minutes, after which, to be corked down tightly to exclude the air. In half an hour it is fit for use.

Directions: To be well rubbed in, two, three or four times a day. For rheumatism in the head, to be rubbed at the back of the neck and behind the ears.

Source: Enquire Within Upon Everything.

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    NOTE: these remedies are listed only for information and/or amusement. They are not to be construed as medical advice of any type, nor are they recommended for use. Consult your doctor or other medical professional for any medical advice you require.