Mac’s Pile Ointment
Gum Camphor 2 drams.
Citrine Ointment 3 drams.
Oxide of Zinc 2 drams.
Powdered Opium 1 dram.
Powdered Galls 1 dram.
Tannic Acid 1/2 dram.
Vaseline to make 2 ounces.
I have put up above for hundreds of sufferers, and have never known a case where great relief has not been experienced, and almost invariably a complete cure wrought.
Source: Tested Formulas and Useful House and Farm Recipes, T. Kenny
Filed under Remedy | Tags: citrine, galls, gum, gum camphor, kenny, ointment, opium, pile, piles, tannic acid, vaseline, zinc, zinc oxide | Comment (0)Receding Gums
In order to try and check the gums from receding, they should be rubbed three or four times a day with a lotion of one drachm of tannic acid in an ounce of rectified spirit. They should also be rubbed vigorously with the fingers so as to stimulate the circulation of the blood, but not hard enough to make them bleed.
Source: Home Notes, 1895