Lotions for Ringworm
Sulphate of zinc, two scruples; sugar of lead, fifteen grains; water, six ounces. Wash the parts two or three times a day.
Or: paint the rings with black writing ink.
Tincture of iodine, applied with a feather, is considered to be a speedy cure.
Another good remedy is two drams of muriated tincture of steel (steel drops) mixed with four tablespoonfuls of soft water. Bathe with it night and morning, and let a little of the lotion dry on.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Filed under Remedy | Tags: feather, ink, iodine, lead, lotion, lotions, million, ringworm, steel, sugar of lead, sulphate of zinc, tincture of iodine, tincture of steel, writing ink, zinc | Comment (0)Ring Worm
This eruption, which generally appears on the head, in a circular form, attended with painful itching, is sometimes removed by rubbing it with black ink, or mushroom ketchup. The following preparation is also recommended. Wash some roots of sorrel quite clean, bruise them in a mortar, and steep them in white wine vinegar for two or three days. Then rub the liquor on the ring worm three or four times a day, till it begin to disappear.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
Cure for Ringworms
Yellow dock, root or leaves, steeped in vinegar, will cure the worst case of ringworm.
Source: The Canadian Family Cookbook, Grace E. Denison
Pitch Pomade
Take 1 drachm of pitch, and 1 ounce of lard. Mix well, and apply twice a day to the affected parts.
This is used for ringworm, and scald head.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
Filed under Remedy | Tags: hair, hartley, lard, pomade, putch, ringworm, scald head, scalp | Comment (0)Ring-worms
Rub mercurial ointment on the ring-worm previous to going to bed, and do not wash it off till morning. It will effect a cure if persevered in; sometimes in less than a week.
Source: Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches, Eliza Leslie
Cure for Ringworm
Yellow dock, root or leaves, steeped in vinegar, will cure the worst case of ringworm.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Cure for Ringworm
Wash the part affected with a little lemon juice; then rub in with the finger a little indigo which has been bruised in a mortar. Do this gently about twice a day.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts
A Simple Remedy for Ringworm
Use thinly-made mustard. With the top of the finger rub this semi-liquid first outside the sore, then over it, always rubbing in a circle and gently, and for a few seconds only. Repeat twice a day while necessary. For a child it is a painful cure; but a grown-up person will not mind a few hours’ smarting, and will find the cure rapid and effectual.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts
In Cases Of Ringworm
In cases of ringworm, a good lotion is made by mixing together half an ounce of hyposulphite of soda, two drachms of glycerine, and six ounces of water. A little of this mixture is to be applied as a lotion to the affected parts, twice or thrice daily.
Source: Home Notes, January 1895.