
July 5th, 2019

The places affected must be protected from the air and be softened by applications of oil and ointments. The following is a good ointment: 2 parts each of boracic ointment and zinc ointment, 1 part tar ointment. Rub into affected parts and powder with oxide of zinc. The hard scabs that form should be softened by oil and poultices and be gently removed with some perfectly clean instrument, and the ointment then be applied, either as described or smeared on a piece of linen, which requires changing every few hours. Washing with soap and water is not permissible. Children should have their hands tied up at night or covered with gloves, to prevent scratching.

Source: The Complete Household Adviser

For Chilblains

February 11th, 2019

Ointment for broken chilblains may be prepared as follows:

2 oz benzoated lard
1/2 oz oxide of zinc
1 drachm carbolic acid crystals
5 drachms almond oil

Dissolve the crystals in the oil, standing the jar in hot water; add the lard, and when melted stir in the zinc powder. Stir till the mixture begins to set, then put into jars. Apply with lint every night and morning until relief is obtained.

Source: Household Management, E. Stoddard Eckford & M.S. Fitzgerald

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    NOTE: these remedies are listed only for information and/or amusement. They are not to be construed as medical advice of any type, nor are they recommended for use. Consult your doctor or other medical professional for any medical advice you require.