To Remove Black Specks or ‘Fleshworms’
Sometimes little black specks appear about the base of the nose, or on the forehead, or in the hollow of the chin which are called ‘fleshworms,’ and are occasioned by coagulated lymph that obstructs the pores of the skin. They may be squeezed out by pressing the skin, and ignorant persons suppose them to be little worms. They are permanently removed by washing with warm water, and severe friction with a towel, and then applying a little of the following preparation:–
Liquor of potassa 1 oz.
Cologne 2 oz.
White brandy. 4 oz.
The warm water and friction alone are sometimes sufficient.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
Filed under Remedy | Tags: blackhead, brandy, cologne, face, fleshworms, forehead, hartley, lymph, nose, potassa, skin, towel | Comment (0)