Syrup for a Cough
Boil 1 oz. balsam of tolu, very gently, two hours, in a quart of water; add 1 lb. white sugar candy, finely beaten, and boil it half an hour longer. Strain through a flannel bag twice; when cold, bottle it. You may add 2 oz. syrup of red poppies, and the same of raspberry vinegar. A spoonful when the cough is troublesome.
Or: 2 oz. honey, 4 table-spoonsful vinegar, 2 oz. syrup white poppies, and 2 oz. gum arabic: boil gently to the consistency of treacle; a tea-spoonful when the cough is troublesome.
Or: 1 table-spoonful treacle, 1 of honey, 1 of vinegar, 15 drops laudanum, and 15 drops peppermint. Simmer together a quarter of an hour. A dessert-spoonful to be taken at going to bed.
Or: mix together in a phial, 2 drachms of compound tincture of benjamin, 6 drachms ethereal spirits of nitre, 3 drachms of compound tincture of camphor, and 5 drachms of oxymel; a tea-spoonful in a wine-glass of warm water, when the cough is troublesome.
Or: mix 1 oz. gum arabic, 1 oz. sugar candy, and the juice of a lemon; pour on it a pint of boiling water; a little when the cough is troublesome.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Filed under Remedy | Tags: balsam of tolu, benjamin, camphor, cobbett, cough, coughs, flannel, gum arabic, honey, laudanum, lemon, nitre, oxymel, peppermint, poppies, raspberry vinegar, spirits of nitre, sugar candy, syrup, syrup of poppies, tincture of camphor, tolu, treacle, vinegar | Comment (0)Asthma, To Relieve
Best honey, two ounces ; castor oil, one ounce. Mix, and take a teaspoonful every night and morning. If the breathing be difficult the following will probably give relief : — To one ounce of spirits of wine, add a quarter of an ounce of balsam of tolu and the same quantity of ether. Put a teaspoonful into a quart of boiling water and inhale it twice a day.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers for Coughs, Colds, Etc
Take white sugar, seven pounds; tincture of syrup of ipecac, four ounces: antimonial wine, two ounces; morphine, ten grains; dissolved in a tablespoonful of water, with ten or fifteen drops sulphuric acid; tincture of bloodroot, one ounce; syrup of tolu, two ounces; add these to the sugar, and mix the whole mass as confectioners do for lozenges, and cut into lozenges the ordinary size. Use from six to twelve of these in twenty-four hours. They sell at a great profit.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
Anti-Freckle Lotion
Take tincture of benzoin, 2 ounces; tincture of tolu, 1 ounce; oil of rosemary, 1/2 a drachm. Mix well and bottle. When required to be used, add a teaspoonful of the mixture to about a wine-glassful of water, and apply the lotion to the face or hands, &c., night and morning, carefully rubbing it in with a soft towel.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley
Cough Syrup
Syrup of squills four ounces, syrup of tolu four ounces, tincture of bloodroot one and one-half ounces, camphorated tincture of opium four ounces. Mix. Dose for an adult, one teaspoonful repeated every two to four hours, or as often as necessary.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Balsam for Coughs and Colds
Tincture of tolu and compound tincture of benzoin, of each one ounce, rectified spirit, two ounces; mix. The dose is a teaspoonful.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts
Expectorant Tincture
Take pulverized lobelia (seed or herb), powdered bloodroot, and powdered rattleroot (black cohosh), of each three ounces; alcohol and good vinegar, of each one pint. Digest for ten days or two weeks, then strain or filter and add four ounces each of wine of ipecac and tincture balsam of tolu and one ounce strong essence of anise. A portion of honey may be added if preferred. Dose: One to two teaspoonfuls repeated as often as circumstances require. Highly useful as an expectorant in coughs, colds, and all affections of the lungs.
Source: The Ladies’ Book of Useful Information
Cough of Long Standing, Excellent Syrup for
“Carbonate Ammonia 40 grains
Syrup Senega 6 drams
Paregoric 4 drams
Syrup Wild Cherry 6 drams
Syrup Tolu 4 ounces”
This is a very good syrup, and is especially good for chronic cough or chronic bronchitis.
Dose.–One teaspoonful every three hours.
Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter
Filed under Remedy | Tags: ammonia, bronchitis, cherry, cough, paregoric, senega, syrup, tolu | Comment (0)Cough, Reliable Mixture in Severe Cases
“Oil of Anise 1/2 ounce
Syrup of Balsam of Tolu 1/2 ounce
Black Stick Licorice 1/2 ounce
Best Rye Whisky 1 pint
Shake well before using. Dose:– One teaspoonful at intervals of one hour or oftener; if cough is very bad.”
Source: Mother’s Remedies: Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remidies from Mothers of the United States and Canada, T. J. Ritter
Filed under Remedy | Tags: anise, cough, coughs, licorice, tolu, whisky | Comment (0)Ointment for Sore Nipples
Take of tincture of tolu, two teaspoonfuls; spermaceti ointment, half an ounce; powdered gum, two teaspoonfuls. Mix these materials well together to make an ointment. The white of an egg mixed with brandy is the best application for sore nipples; the person should consult a doctor.
Source: Enquire Within Upon Everything.