Smelling Salts
Super carbonate of ammonia, eight parts; put it in coarse powder into a bottle, and pour out lavender oil one part.
Source: Our Knowledge Box, ed. G. Blackie
As this complaint generally attacks aged people, the best mode of relief will be to attend carefully to diet and exercise, which should be light and easy, and to avoid as much as possible an exposure to cold and frosty air. The temperature of the apartment should be equalised to moderate summer’s heat by flues and stoves, and frequently ventilated. A dish of the best coffee, newly ground and made very strong, and taken frequently without milk or sugar, has been found highly beneficial. An excellent diet drink may be made of toast and water, with the addition of a little vinegar, or a few grains of nitre. Tar water is strongly recommended, and also the smoking of the dried leaves of stramonium, commonly called the thorn-apple.
Source: The Cook And Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary, Mary Eaton
For the Croup
The healthiest children are the most liable to this complaint, which is caused by sudden changings in the atmosphere, draughts of cold air, and checking of the perspiration. It betrays itself by a hoarse croaking cough, something like the hooping cough.
Put the child into a warm bath placed opposite the fire; cover it all over with flannel, or a blanket; in the meantime chop an onion or two, squeeze the juice through a piece of muslin, mix it in the proportion of 1 tea-spoonful with 2 table-spoonsful treacle; get the child to swallow as much of this, from time to time, as you can: when it has been in the bath ten or twelve minutes, take it out in a blanket, and as quickly as you can, rub the stomach and chest with a mixture of rum and oil, or goose grease, wrap the child in a flannel and put it to bed, or keep it in the lap by the fire; if the child go to sleep, it will be almost sure to awake free from the disorder. These remedies may not succeed if there be delay in applying them.
Source: The English Housekeeper, Anne Cobbett
Filed under Remedy | Tags: blanket, breathing, cobbett, cough, croup, flannel, goose grease, muslin, oil, onion, rum, treacle | Comment (0)Asthma, To Relieve
Best honey, two ounces ; castor oil, one ounce. Mix, and take a teaspoonful every night and morning. If the breathing be difficult the following will probably give relief : — To one ounce of spirits of wine, add a quarter of an ounce of balsam of tolu and the same quantity of ether. Put a teaspoonful into a quart of boiling water and inhale it twice a day.
Source: Recipes for the Million
Lard or goose grease and turpentine applied freely to the throat and chest. Hot steam inhaled from a sponge dipped in boiling water makes breathing easier. In serious cases an antiseptic should be given to produce vomiting immediately until the physician arrives. Give castor oil to a child showing symptoms of a croupy cough.
Source: Civic League Cook Book
Cure for Hiccough
Sit erect and inflate the lungs fully. Then, retaining the breath, bend forward slowly until the chest meets the knees. After slowly arising again to the erect position, slowly exhale the breath. Repeat this process a second time, and the nerves will be found to have received an access of energy that will enable them to perform their natural functions.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Banana Juice
In cases of chronic bronchitis, with difficult breathing and scanty expectoration, the use of banana juice has been highly praised. The juice is prepared by cutting up the bananas in small pieces and putting them with plenty of sugar into a closed glass jar. The latter is then placed in cold water, which is gradually made to boil. When the boiling-point is reached, the process is complete. Of the sirup so made, a teaspoonful every hour is the proper dose.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts
Relief from Asthma
Sufferers from asthma should get a muskrat skin and wear it over their lungs with the fur side next to the body. It will bring certain relief.
Or soak blotting paper in saltpetre water, then dry, burning at night in the patient’s bedroom.
Another excellent recipe: Take powdered liquorice root, powdered elecampane root, powdered anise-seed, each one drachm, powdered ipecac ten grains, powdered lobelia ten grains; add sufficient amount of tar to form into pills of ordinary size. Take three or four pills on going to bed. An excellent remedy for asthma or shortness of breath.
Source: The White House Cookbook, F.L. Gillette
Filed under Remedy | Tags: anise, aniseed, asthma, blotting paper, breath, breathing, elecampane, ipecac, licorice, liquorice, lobelia, lungs, muskrat, saltpetre, tar, whitehouse | Comment (0)For Asthma
For asthma soak blotting paper in strong saltpeter water; dry, and burn at night.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts
Remedy for Asthma
The following is said to be a cure for the distressing disease, asthma: The ingredients are: Sulphur, one half ounce; cream of tartar, one ounce; senna, one ounce; aniseed, one-half ounce. Pulverize and thoroughly mix the ingredients, and take one teaspoonful in about two tablespoonfuls of molasses on going to bed, or at such time through the day as may suit the patient. The dose, once a day, may be diminished or increased a little, as may best suit the state of the bowels of the individual.
Source: Audel’s Household Helps, Hints and Receipts